Part 17

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Nova's POV

I laugh as Plants trips over their own feet. They turn to me and pout. So I hum a little and have the vibrations around them pick them up. They look around panicked until their eyes land on me. I float them around in the air. As they laugh. "...Hoooowww?" David asks as he sees what we are doing. "I'm a Sound God Slayer. If there are any sounds I can use their vibrations to move myself, other people, or things." I tell David. "Lucas said you know other magics?" David asks.

"Yep, I know water magic, Fire magic, Nature magic, Light Magic, and Air magic. I'm trying to learn Storm magic and Soul magic right now. Brandon said he will help me with my storm and air magic." I told David. "What rank are you?" He asks. "Oh I'm A rank! Ritchie and Brandon both agreed I'm too powerful to be lower than A. But too young to be high then A." I tell him. "You A rank!?" David shouts. I jump a little and nod my head. "I'm going to give those two an ear full." David says as he walks off.

Me and Plant look at each other and I shrug. They hug me then run off after their dad. I walk into the guildhall and I go to the dining room. I sit down and grab some chicken and start to eat. After a few minutes Lucas walks into the room. "There you are!" He says as he walks over and sits down next to me. "Brandon told me how good you did today." Lucas says. "I had fun. It's nice to train with someone who has at least one power I have." I tell him as I take a sip of water.

"Have you done anything else today?" Lucas asks me. "I met up with Plant and David. I help with the garden a little. But not much. His garden is so pretty! Then Plant tripped over themselves. So I picked them up with my magic and flew them in the air a little. David got confused so I told him my magics. And then I told him my rank. Then he got mad. Did he get mad at me?" I ask. Lucas laughs and shakes his head. "No no. He didn't get mad at you." Lucas tells me.

"He is upset because he worked for a long time to get A rank and then S rank. I'm sure Mario will be but hurt as well. But When i joined I got S rank instantly. David did not like that. But he isn't upset with you. He's just upset with the guild leaders a little." Lucas tells me. "Who's upset with me?" I hear someone ask. I look over and see Ritchie. "Hi guild leader Ritchie." I say with a smile. "Hello Nova. Brother told me of him training you today. I must say I am impressed." Ritchie tells me. I smile and lift my head up high.

"Remember to tell me when you turn 18. You just might turn S rank once you're an adult." Ritchie tells me. "I also wanted to let you know I will be joining in on your storm magic training sessions to train you as well." Ritchie tells me. "So I'm going to be getting trained by two guild leaders?" I ask. "Yep." Ritchie says. I smile and do a fist pump. I yawn a little. "Go rest. You have a long day tomorrow." Ritchie says. He grabs some food and leaves. 

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