Part 15

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Nova's POV

My eyes widen and I quickly put him in a bubble of air with water around it. Brandon looks at me confused as I quickly move him and me out of the way of a large fireball. I glare at the prisoner. "What?" Brandon asks. "The chains are fake. The guards, or at least one of them. Was trying to get him to escape. Luckily I know a spell to get rid of someone's magic for 24 hours." I tell Brandon as I walk to the prisoner.

I reach into the water and air bubble and take a piece of the prisoner's hair. I then grow a special flower. I put the hair on the flower. A bright light comes from it and out comes a berry bush. I pick some. "Don't eat those unless you want to lose your magic for a day." I tell Brandon. He watched me with wide eyes as I go into the bubble with the prisoner. He glares at me and I put a few berries to him mouth. But he closes it. I plug his nose with my other hand.

And after a moment he breathes through his mouth. I shove the berries into him mouth. He tries to spit them out but I use a big vine to cover his mouth. I use the air in his mouth to crush the berries. I step out of the bubble with a smirk. "You don't have to eat them. All that you have to do is get the berry juice in your mouth. And within a minute. Your powers are gone." I tell Brandon. "That is very smart. It's something good to know." Brandon tells me.

After a minute I let him out of the bubble. "Walk." I tell him. He glares at me and stands still. "Very well." I wave my hand and he lifts up into the air. He struggles and flails around for a moment. "Shall we fly, we will get there much faster." I say. "Let's go." Brandon tells me. We both fly, the prisoner following to the side of us. After almost three hours we end up to a different prison. "Hello sir." I say as I land on the ground in front of a guard.

"How can I help you?" He asks me with a glare. "I have a prisoner that was requested for transportation." I tell the guard as I sit the prisoner on the ground. "Ah, thank you. I Didn't think he would be here this quickly." The guard says. "Yes, there is something you should know." I begin. "A guard at the other prison put fake magic proof chains on this man. I had to use other means to take away his magic." I tell the guard.

"He can not use any magic for about 21 more hours. Until then I would put different, real chains on him." I tell him. The guard's eyes widen. "Jered! Get magic chains! Now!" The guard yells to a different guard. After a few seconds another guard runs up with new chains in his gloved hands. "Thank you, here is your reward. We have him from here." The guard says as he hands me a bag. I smile and nod. "Have a good day." I tell him. "Have a good day." He says back. 

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