Ships and stuff (information)

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For all new readers: this version of the story has been discontinued. I have a rewritten version published on a new book. If you're interested in seeing the better written one please do go there and read that.

Wither husbands (sausage x Fwhip)

Flower husbands (Jimmy x scott )

Nature wifes (Kathrine x shubble )

Jizzy (Joel x Lizzy)

Xornoth x Joey (self explanatory)

Pixlzloy (Pix x zloy)

Pearl x gem (again self explanatory)


Fwhip Grimm (edited)

Dragon wings.

Ginger hair


Prince of grimlands

Gemini Tay

Princess if the crystal cliffs

Twin of Fwhip


Sausage myth:


Prince of mythland

Nice parents

Many animals

Good friends with pearl

Pearlescent moon:

Princess of gilded hillenthia

Farmer Princess

Best Friends with sausage and gem.


Golden wings

Pixl riffs:


Prince of pixandria

Is like the mother of any group.

Lizzy solidarity-shadow:

Is together with Joel

10' but can shift into human state: she's 5'5

Has fish skin. Always. The blue axolotle cant shift into human fully.

Joel beans:


Lizzys boyfriend already from the start of the book.

Has a green tripe of hair in his brown one.

Jimmy solidarity- shadow:

Cod boy. Nothing more to say.

Can also be a giant cause sibling things.

Can shift into any size he wants to be in

Scott and xornoth major:

Xorxor: 6'8

Scott: 6'8

Both have elven ears.

Xorxior purple hair and Scott cyan. Both elves. No demonic being.

Joey grace (edited)

Together with xornoth


Parrot wings ? Something like that I guess

Kathrine blossom:

Just like her avatar

She's a fairy


Shubble shroom:

Mushroom lady

Best friends with Kathrine.


Everyone has last names. I tried at least. If you know a good last name for Joey or Fwhip please tell me.

Got it now! Thanks to MysticalC343 for the last names of Fwhip and Joey !

Royals Highschool OLD / empires smp S1 / wither husbandsWhere stories live. Discover now