Chapter 9 - the castle

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Fwhips pov:

Sausage nodded at me. I started walking to where I thought the castle was. He just followed mindlessly.

Then at the entrance there were stood two guards.

"Hello Jeffery! We just need to go and get some more stuff for the school!" Sausage said happily. The guard nodded and opened the door for us. They did stop to give me a weary glance though.

We walked through the halls until we were infront of a big door.

"So whatever they say. Don't listen. Ok? I'm here to protect you too!" He smiled at me. I felt my heart flutter. He would protect me ? Why?

I slipped my hand from his. He looked at me questioning. It would be weird if his parents saw us holding hands. They would probably suspect something is going on between us. Which is not something I want them to think. That would be a bad first impression. Also that nothing is going on.

'The son of your enemy holding hands with your own son' not something any parent wants to see. My father would probably not even like the fact I actually talk to them.

Sausage looked one last time at me before opening the door. Inside was the girl from before again. What's her name ? Eve? Evily? Evelin!

She gave me a glare then turned back to sausage and smiled at him.

"Hello honey! Welcome back. How is school so far ?" The queen stood up and walked over to us.

"I see you have brought someone with you. A friend perhaps ?" She smiled at me.

"Hello queen- er?" I gave a bow and stopped talking. She laughed

"Queen Elizabeth" she nodded at me. "And what's your name ?" She asked me

I looked at sausage for help, but he as talking to his father, who also stood up and walked towards him.

"I'm Fwhip. A friend from school" I said nervously. Why did i mention school ?! Now she's gonna ask me what kingdom I'm from!

"Its nice seeing sausage make friends" she smiled at me. I nodded. They were so nice. Why would dad ever want to send them harm ?

"So which empire is yours? Which one will you be king off ?" The father of sausage asked me

Sausage walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"The grimlands" I said sheepishly

"The grimlands?!" The king screamed. I nodded ducking my head

"Sausage?!" The mother raised her voice slightly

"He's a good person!" The brown haired boy told his parents. "Trust me" he added on

The king looked at me weary. So did the queen.

"We've talked about this before you a attended the school. No talking with the enemy's kids!" The father was angry now

"I can go?" Is all I said, trying to not aggravate the king and queen more.

"Yes" said the king

"No" said sausage at the same time

"Dad he's gems twin! You know gem!" The father stopped

"So you are the twin of this wizard ?" He asked now

I nodded

"Do you know magic?" He asked me

I stopped. The reason going to the school was because of magic. But magic wings don't count. No. They couldn't know. Not even about the wings. I shook my head. He nodded.

"You really do look like gem" said queen Elizabeth now.

"I like gem. She's such a wonderful child" the queen told us.

I nodded not knowing what to do with that information. Of course she likes gem. Everyone likes her. She's the perfect and polite child.

"King Steven really is mad" is all that the king muttered as he walked back to his throne. What does that mean ?

"Don't listen to him. He's a bit weird!" The queen smiled.

I nodded thanking her.

"I like that kid. You should bring him here more often." Elizabeth said

"Oh trust me. He's more chaotic than anything" I heard sausage say. I chuckled.

"A bit of chaos never did any harm" the queen winked and kissed sausage on the head. She then went back to her throne.

"Goodbye! Have a nice school week! Invite pearl and gem to come over sometime too. And if you do that invite the ginger boy too!" She smiled

"Will do" laughed sausage and started walking towards the exit. I quickly followed

Then closed the door behind me

"Was it that scary ? You didn't talk at all ?" Sausage pointed out

I shook my head. "A little" I laughed. "Your father was intimidating" I told him and continued laughing.

He joined in. "Let's go buy some stuff now ?"

I nodded.


Update. Ik I said Wednesday, but I need to learn. 

Words: 775

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