Chapter 10 - gem and pearls chaos shopping tour

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Pearls pov:

We walked through the town. It looked amazing.

"You think we can go over to my kingdom afterwards ?" I asked the ginger haired girl, looking at the road that was going to my kingdom.

"Sure. We can get some ingredients, to make some food ourselves, from there" gem said

"Yes!! We can. Amazing idea!" I laughed

"Would the pretty two girls like some wonderful bracelets?" Asked a salesman. I turned to gem who shrugged

"What exactly is there to buy?" I asked

He then pointed at a bunch of bracelets.

"How about we get matching ones for all of us ?" Asked gem suddenly

I nodded

I got a green one with some yellow stripes, gem a purple and light pink one, we got a red and orange one for Fwhip and a yellow and brown one for sausage

We paid and left.

"Let's go to the bookstore!" Screamed gem.

"We can just go to one of Scott's libraries?" I pointed out. "It would be easier" she nodded.

We just walked around for a bit.

"Wanna go into that store ?" It was selling some plushies. Gem nodded and started walking towards it


"Gem!!! There's a duckling! I need to get it" I held the baby duck plushy in my hands.

She laughed "I got a baby dragon here!" She showed me one. I nodded. It looks interesting.

"How will you call it?" I asked gem

"Violet" she smiled at the plush. "You?"

"Ducky" I laughed

Gem rolled her eyes. "Wow, how original" she laughed

"You called a purple dragon violet" I pointed out

"Oh shush"

We then payed and continued Walking around

"Could I interest the farming princess in a golden egg?" Someone suddenly asked me. It was a old women.

I looked at gem "am I allowed to have It in the dorm?" She nodded amused

"Then yes. I am interested. What will hatch from it?" I asked as I saw the egg. It was almost as big as an ostrich egg. But it was more shiny and golden

"Very interested" I repeated after I saw it

"For the princess there's a discount. You can get it for only 200 dracks (I decided they use that as money. It's made up obviously)

I nodded and pulled out a 400 dracks bill. She gave me back 200 and the egg. "It will hatch unter the right conditions. So my girl. Wizard of the crystal cliffs. Would you be interested in an egg ?"

"I'm not really the farmer and animal type. I watch them don't collect" gem said

"It's a mystical creature egg. You sure ?" She said.

"You've gotten my attention" said gem


"How did we get here ?" I asked gem

I was sitting on a bench with my golden egg in both hands and my plush In a bag with so much more stuff we bought. Gem looked pretty much the same.

"We probably got scammed" is all gem said holding a egg, that didn't look as smooth and round as mine did, in her hands

"Yep. But I mean. Worth it. If something does hatch"



New pov!!!! 

Also 2 chapters in one day ? Why that? Well you see, I'll be gone for a while now. At least that's what I planned. 

I know I said I'll post on Wednesday (I don't know when to post this. Probably a few hours after chapter 9)

Also: here's me doing some math!

Also: here's me doing some math!

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For those who don't understand what it's supposed to mean: I taught myself something new in math today and tried to make it less complicated. By using brackets. Lowen (IggysElixers) told me, that it confused him.

It's called the heron-algorithm (I translated it from German) for those who are familiar with it. 

The original numbers were: 

K= 27

b= 3

c = 9 

Words: 669

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