Chapter 12 - talking

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Fwhips pov:

"So you're a worker ? How is life like ? Are we royals making your life miserable?" I asked him looking up from my food and phone. I noticed sausage watching me.

I looked at him. He smiled awkwardly and turned away. Well that's weird.

"No life's fine. I mean, i saw my parents get murdered by the kingdom of the skeletons. I've had it worse" he continued saying

I looked at him. He saw his parents get murdered ? Poor boy. I've heard about the war between skeletons and zombies in one of my books. The people of both parties died in the end. It was rare to see a zombie- or a skeleton-hybrid these days. And if you did, they would probably cover their green skin or skeleton with human flesh. They can just do that, it's almost like shapeshifting.

"How old we're you when that happened ?" Asked pearl now. She was leaning against the table her head resting on her arms. One of her wings was nicely tucked to the side of her back, the other was being studied by gem. It was the one that she broke. It was wrapped in bandages and currently healing, which meant no flying for her. Gem was currently looking at it trying not to harm her friend. She also looked fazed. They are best friends, like has she never seen pearls wings?

My twin is the weirdest.

"I was....?" He trailed of looking at pixl for help. Pix was staring at zloy the whole time. Well that's interesting. Pearl picked up on that fact too. She was the person out of our group that would just say: 'I ship it' and actually be right, about the people being perfect for each other or already together.

"Two" the prince of pixandria said confidently. I looked at sausage confused and he raised an eyebrow at pixl and zloy.

"I've been at the castle, remember?" He tried explaining as to why pixl would know that. I nodded slowly. Pearl gave a look that said: 'ok fine. I'm not gonna question it any further.' And sausage didn't have any expression.

"So are you like best friends ?" Kathrine asked them. Pearl started smirking.

"Or more than that" the brown haired farming princess added. "Hey-" could also be heard after she was hit at the back of her head by gem.

Zloy and pixl both turned red at that. Hah. I started laughing. This is way to hilarious.

"Why are you laughing ?" Pix asked me. He was still a bit red. It faded mostly.

"Cause you both are so obviously in love!" I laughed and pearl nodded and agreed to my statement. Sausage and gem looked at each other concerned, but let it slide.

"Yea sure. Says the one that constantly gets stared at by the young mythland prince and also talks about him constantly" pixl rolled his eyes at me. Hey!

I looked at my friends direction. Sausage, who was just sipping on his drink, started coughing. He probably choked on some water.

Pearl was laughing hysterically again and gem was snickering.

"He's red!" Said Jimmy and pointed at me

"Shut up fishboy. Go to your elven boyfriend" I said annoyed. I buried my face in my arms. I laid on the table.

Jimmy also turned kinda red and started mumbling. It sounded like "we're not like that, he's not my boyfriend" but Scott was laughing at him.

"Let's go fishboy~" the cyan haired boy said in a flirty tone.

Then everyone started talking to each other. Oli and false were talking together with gem and pearl. Pixl and zloy were in a conversation and sausage was listening to gems group.

I was doing nothing. My head was still on the table.

"Hey. Are you sleeping ?" Sausage asked me poking me in the side. I jolted upwards. It felt like there was some electricity, but it was just some energy. What I'm trying to say is, that I'm ticklish.

"Even if I wasn't awake, why would you poke me ? You thought I was sleeping ? Is this how you wake someone up" I glared at him. My cheeks were red again from embarrassment of being ticklish.

He looked at me amused. I rolled my eyes.

"Why'd you 'wake me up' anyways" I said. He technically didn't wake me up. Maybe just from my zoning out.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to go back to the dorm ? And maybe I can show you my magic later ?" He asked me. I immediately looked up again. Magic ? Hell yes!

"I've been waiting for you to finally show me your magic for like half a year now" I said dramatically

"Its not been half a year" he rolled his eyes at me, but still smiled. "Let's just go back to the dorms" he pushed his hair to the side. It looked nice. 


I'm back. 

I only noticed that I still have a social media life now. My wattpad didn't let me log in and school is being shitty with a lot of tests again. 

I also have a boyfriend now and I like spending a lot of time with him. 

Updates will come late, cause writing takes time might I remind you, but yea. 

Hope you're enjoying the story!

Words: 884

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