Announcement part 2

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I've decided dear readers. I'm staring a new book.

There's a few things I wanted to change up. The story line didn't go the direction I wanted it to go. It originally would have ended in a kinda bad way.

Like Fwhip and Sausage not being on good terms. Which would then have opened the possibility of me writing a sequel to it. But since I have a knack for never finishing what I start I thought of ending it in a closed way. Not an open ending as planned.

This in return changed a lot about the story line. As well as Fhwips family problems and reasoning for being at the school weren't really well explained.

So I decided it was best to rewrite it. I actually just posted the first episode of the „new" book.

If you're interested just tap on my profile and look for the same book but written with „new"

I really hope I didn't disappoint yall too much when I stopped uploading.

I'm going to put this book as complete and also write a few more „OLD" on some pages for new readers to see better haha

This is a bye from me for this book.

I do hope to see you all in the better version

Royals Highschool OLD / empires smp S1 / wither husbandsWhere stories live. Discover now