Chapter 2 - Twins ?!

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Sausage pov: 

It's been a few days since the tour. Gem and her mother queen crystalline have opened the school up and given a group tour yesterday. Now we are all waiting in the hall. At least some of us. We were all in different groups and we're going to get Sorted into dorms. 

Not every student of the school was here either. We were put into groups that were sharing a floor with dorms. (Do you understand?)

There were different towers and floors.

Me and pearl stood next to each other and waited for the queen and gem to start.

"Hello my dear fellow royals!" Gem started saying.

"Sadly we are still missing a few from the group. Once everyone is here we will start to announce the dorms and everyone can get settled in then. Up until then, please be patient" the queen continued saying.

She smiled at us.

Gem walked to us and started talking.

"Gem who's missing?"

"Three people. The sea siblings or as they call themselves seablings and the grimlands prince." She said. 

The grimlands prince was not even seen at the touring. I mean you could just not get a tour, but who wouldn't want a tour from the queen herself ?

At that moment we heard someone open the door. There stood a girl with pink hair that was dragging a suitcase that was pink and blue and has a sunset over the ocean as a picture on it. She had normal skin, but you could see her blue axolotl Fins.

Same for the guy behind Her. He had an annoyed expression on his face and was carrying a suitcase, that had a cod on it. He had cod Fins

"Make that one missing" I said. Gem laughed.

The wait didn't take long. Pearl decided to hang out with gem and I talked to two elven brothers called xornoth and Scott. Scott had cyan hair and xornoth purple. They said they are from Rivendell.

I glanced to gem, pearl and crystalline and I could see them all discussing something and glancing at the door.

Then gem walked away. Scott excused himself to talk to one of the fish-siblings and xornoth saw a boy with some colourful wings and walked over to him.

I went to see pearl. "What's gem doing?" I asked her. Gem was sitting behind a wall, so the others couldn't see her and was meditating.

"She's trying to locate Fwhip" pearl answered. How would she locate him ? I've heard only people with a powerful bond could do that, and even then only to each other.

But before I could even ask gem was out of her trance and ran to her mom. We waited

When they finally both came back she just nodded at the door. Not even a second later, it opened.

In walked a boy with ginger hair like gem, but blue eyes. His eyes weren't a dark blue like mine tho. His were a light blue. He also had a red scarf around his neck and red goggles on his head. Like the rest of us, he was probably wearing his royal attire. The queen told us to be in classes in the royal clothings we have, because it is a sign of respect towards our empires. Also so that everyone knows where we are from.

I glanced back at the ginger boy. He didn't seem like he liked the attention he was getting. Not in a shy way. He was more annoyed 

He was actually quite cute

"Welcome to the crystal cliffs. I hope you had a safe travel" the queen told Fwhip, exactly like she had said to everyone who came through that door.

"You don't have to act like you care" he mumbled at her. 

The queen raised an eyebrow

"Don't say something like that to me!" The queen got angry. It was rare. Just like gem, crystalline couldn't stay angry for long, or get angry at all. They normally just get disappointed. 

"You have no right to tell me what to do!" The new boy screamed.

This made everyone gasp and be quiet. The silence was deafening. 

"Is that how your father raised you? To act like that towards other emperors?" She asked raising her voice slightly. Crystalline and Fwhip looked quite similar. Just that Fwhip had blue eyes and crystalline green. They both had ginger hair.

"No he didn't. But I taught myself to be like this to the People that left me. You have no right to say anything to me!" Fwhip said angrily. He walked past her dragging his suitcase with him.

"What's up with him?" I heard pearl whisper to Me. I just shrugged.

"They seem like they know each other" I whispered back.

She nodded. Fwhip just stood at one edge of the room, where no one else was.

"Let's go over to him. You know first impressions? We don't want him to think we are scared of him" I told pearl and began walking to the ginger haired boy.

Pearl ran to catch up with me. Fwhip was sitting on the ground, while he was looking at something on his phone.

"Hello I am sausage. Prince of mythland. This is pearl. She's the princess of gilded helanthia." I introduced us holding my hand out for him to shake it.

"Prince Fwhip of the grimlands. But I think you already knew that." he introduced himself and shook my hand. He looked me in the eyes. Gosh he was cute. The boy was still sitting on the ground.

"You know the ground is not to clean" gem said. Where did she come from ?

I then noticed I was still holding his hand from shaking it. He didn't seem to mind tho. I let go either way.

"Yeah I know." Fwhip said and held his arm out for me to help him up. I was confused and just looked at him. He laughed

"Wont you help me up ?" He asked me.

"Oh yes sorry" I immediately said, holding an arm out for him to take. Pearl was snickering. I pulled Fwhip off the ground and he dusted off his pants.

"Hello gem, nice seeing you again" he told the wizard

"Hello Fwhip. How come you're even here. No one has ever seen you around ?" Gem told him.

"You know how dad is." Fwhip just said.

"Wait what do you mean by that?"

"That our father is weird ?" Fwhip said unsure of what exactly he should be explaining

"Wait your father ? Like both of you have one father ?" I asked

"Yes ? We are twins ? We have the same parents ? Gem what did you tell them for them to act this way ?" Fwhip turned to gem

"You are twins ?! Why did you never tell us gem ?!" Pearl asked her.

"Well I didn't know how to tell you exactly, that I have a twin brother that I can't really see anymore" she said. 

"Why ?" Pearl asked

"Not important. Fwhip said and turned towards gem "I think mom wants you to help her" he decided on saying

I just looked at him. I mean he does look like gem a lot. They both have ginger hair just the eye Color's are different. Fwhip has beautiful blue ones and gem has green ones. 


Weird ending but idc. 

The story will be posted in a long span of time. Cause I have school and stuff to do. I will write as many chapters as I can (without deleting them again) 

I already wrote 8 chapters. And I didn't like the last 5. 

Words: 1270

I unpublished it and republished it. 

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