Chapter 8 - the trip to mythland

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Sausage pov:

"Watcha Reading ?" I asked Fwhip looking up from the game I was playing, as I died and an ad was playing.

Fwhip and I were In our room. We were both laying in our beds. He was reading a book and I was on my phone. I found a new interesting game. It just randomly popped up in my apps. I just needed to check it out now. How did it even get there ?

"This book about alchemy. What are you doing ?" He asked me pointing at my phone.

I turned the device to him. It was one of those weird online ad games. "I don't know what this is or how it got there" I told him genuinely

He started laughing. "That reminds me, what did you do on my phone ?" I asked him suspiciously

"I thought that you put your number in or something but nope" I continued explaining

"Nope. I just downloaded a game. I can't have them on my phone. Neither am I allowed to have other contacts" he explained

"So that's how it got here. We should get you a phone today!" I then said excited. Mythland sells a lot of phones.

"What ?" He asked confused

"you know like a secret phone. One so I can put my number in! So that we can talk on weekends and holidays too!" I tried explaining to him

He nodded and turned a bit red.

"Talking about the trip, Should we get ready ? Like is it a long trip to mythland from here ?" Fwhip asked me changing the topic.

I looked at my phone again. I started deleting some apps I didn't need.

"We should get ready" is all I said. I needed to talk this through with gem and pearl. The trip would definitely take a while, considering mythland is almost on the other side of the world.

I stood up and opened the door ready to go out. Fwhip gave me a questioning stare.

"What ?" I asked him

"Will we go with our chilling clothes or royal wear" asked the ginger.

I took a moment to think.

"We don't need to care about what we wear while going around. I'm sure sausage will wear some royal attire though" giggled pearl.

"I'm the prince of mythland. I need to-" I started saying.

"Represent your kingdom, we know" said pearl bored. I glared at her. She noticed it and smiled

"How will we even get there ?" Asked gem now.

"We can fly?" Said pearl showing off her golden wings. They looked magical and glorious with the golden sun shining on them.

"I don't have wings. And neither does Fwhip" I pointed out pointing at Fwhip.

He looked uncomfortable. "...yea... right" he said unsure.

I raised my eyebrow at him. What's wrong ?

"You can levitate both of you!" Said pearl again.

"No that's not a good idea" I said at the same time as Fwhip said: "no thanks"

"Does anyone have a better idea" the brown haired girl asked mockingly.

There was silence.

"See? We're doing my plan. Let's go" is all she then said.

I looked back at Fwhip.

I shrugged and started to find some clothes to wear.

"What are you doing ?" He asked me.

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