Chapter 3 - dorms

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Fwhips pov:

"So now that everyone is here." My mom Said looking over the people, but stopping right at Me. She smiled at me. I just turned away. I will have nothing to do with someone, who left me for magic. The only reason I'm here is because of my own magical wings, that just randomly sprouted on my back.

"We want to put you in your dorms now" she continued.

"So first off we would like to keep it organised so we will call someone up and tell them where to go." She looked at the list gem had in her hand "so Lizzy shadow-solidarity" she called out. Then I saw the pink haired water hybrid. Whatever she is walk towards one edge of the room.

"Scott and xornoth major. To the middle please and Fwhip and gem to the right corner of the room"

Gem smiled at me and walked with me to the right side. Something tells me she has something to do with this. I gave sausage one last look before I turned around and left. He smiled at me. He was a bit weird. He was all chirpy. Not someone I would ever meet in my kingdom.

"So next please Pixl riffs to the middle right. Yes right between the two twin pairs." The queen Said.

Everyone chuckled I just stood there trying not to. Dad never wanted me to show any signs of happiness. I always try to not disappoint him. Screw that. He's always disappointed by me 

"So Kathrine blossom. Please go to princess Elizabeth of the ocean empire."

I zoned out from that moment onward. That was until I heard a familiar name being called.

"Sausage myth please go to gem and Fwhip." Many names in that sentence were familiar. But the one that stung out most was sausage. Not cause it's unnatural, it just had something to it, that I couldn't place.

"Hello, looks like we meet again" He said smiling at me.

"Yep looks like it" I said smiling back. I didn't know why. Why was I smiling ? Cmon Fwhip. Stop smiling. You are being weird.

I looked at gem, who had an amused expression on her face and was rolling her eyes at me.

"Pearlescent moon to the ginger haired twins please" I could hear my mother say again.

"Looks like the group is back together!" Pearl exclaimed excitedly.

I felt really out of place.

"Gem you have our key right ?" I asked her. I really hope so.

She nodded and held four keys up. I took one of it "thanks. I'm going and getting settled in" then I started walking off. My suitcase didn't have wheels, so I just tried lifting it and going quick.

It didn't really help me cause I had no idea where I was going. Gem has talked to me and explained the castle, but I've never been here.

Gem stared at me. Same as the rest of our dorm group. I don't care. I've never cared about people thinking I'm weird.

"So if anyone has problems with their roommates, go talk to me or gem. We will try to make it better. Now get settled in. Everyone has their key. Go"

Pearl and gem ran past me. I guess they brought their things up before.

Then there were stairs. Pretty dumb for a suitcase not gonna lie.

"Hey you need help?" I heard a brown haired boy ask me. I turned around and was met with shining blue eyes. I shook my head. It's fine

I struggled even more at the fourth step. Sausage was just walking behind me. What's going on with this guy ?

Then I pulled at the suitcase to hard and fell. I fell backwards. Right onto sausage. He luckily had better reflexes and grabbed onto the railing to not let us fall down the staircase.

I was shoved against his chest with one of his arms, while I hugged him. Awkward. I was red cause of embarrassment. Yes just embarrassing nothing else.

"You good ?" He breathed. I nodded. "Do you want my help now ?" He asked me rolling his eyes.

"Yea that would be nice. Thanks" I mumbled. He laughed at me.

He then took my suitcase and carried it. I walked silently behind him.

"So how come nobody ever sees you around ? What made you decide to finally attend a normal school?" The brown haired boy asked me.

"Well it's my mothers and sisters school. Also there is a school now. No reason to get homeschooled." I tried to sound convincing. The real reason had nothing to do with that.

"There was a school at mythland. Well before your father destroyed it." He told me

"I'm sorry" I said

"Why are you sorry ? You have nothing to do with it"

"Yea. But well. It's my father. Let me take at least some responsibility" I hit im in the shoulder. We were now walking down a hallway.

"How do you know where to go ?" I asked him

"Gem gave me and pearl a tour. I know we're our dorm is. You would also know, if you attended the tour by queen crystalline yesterday" the dark blue eyed one told me.

I looked at the key. It resembled a hotel key. There was a room number on a keychain.

Room 256 was our dorm. How many rooms does this castle-school have ?

We then arrived right before our door.

"256" I said.

Sausage nodded and nocked.

"We have a key ?" I said a bit sarcastically.

"I knew that" sausage said. And took out his keys. He then opened the door for us. 



















Joey (he's at xornoths place more Often)

Also yes. Gem has something to do with the dorms. She's the one making the lists :)

Words: 982

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