Chapter 4 - getting settled in

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Fwhips pov:

"We already choose our room." The brown haired girl said. The moment we opened the door. She was sitting on a couch in the middle of the room.

I looked around. There were three doors. One must be the toilet. The other two are probably the actual sleeping rooms.

"You guys have to share" gem told me.

"What ? Can't we just share, gem ? Why put me with someone I don't even know" I pouted. First I need to go to some school and meet people. Well I wanted that. I wanted to get away from my father. But that aside. Now I need to share a room with someone ?

Sausage just shrugged and went to his- our room. Saying he was going to get settled in

I just stared. Pearl and gem giggled.

"Fine. But no sleepovers at my room!" I said annoyed knowing damn well what I was saying.

Gem looked at me annoyed. "Hey. Am I not allowed to go to my brothers room and chill with a sleepover ?" She told me

"Also im pretty sure Sausage would have nothing against us going to your guyses room" pearl pointed out.

I rolled my eyes at her. She threw a pillow at me.

"I'm going to get settled in as well." I told them looking around for my bag. I wanted to take it to my room but it was already gone. Where's my bag ?!

I rushed into mine and sausages room to ask him where he put it.

"Sausage! Do you know where my bag is" I said panicked. He was putting some clothes into a drawer and looked at me. Then he pointed towards the bed on the other side of the room. There was my bag.

"I hope you don't mind me choosing a bed first" he told me. I shook my head. Why would I ? It's just a bed.

He nodded smiled and continued to put his clothes into the drawer.

I looked around the room. There were two grey beds. My mother has told us we could decorate the room how we wanted.

There were some in wall drawers at each side of the room. They were for storage. And there was a desk at either side of the room for learning.

"It's looks pretty empty"

I pointed out. Sausage nodded

"Wanna go outside sometime and buy some stuff?" He suggested. That would actually be a pretty good idea.

I could go and get some more clothes and stuff.

"Ima change into something more comfortable" sausage suddenly said and walked out of the room with some clothes in his hand.

I nodded to myself and started to organise my stuff. I put the clothes into the drawer.

I didn't have much stuff. Only 3 pairs of my royal clothings and some underwear, so when sausage came back into the room, I was already finished and sitting on my bed on my phone.

"Hello I'm back" he came back in. He was now wearing a white shirt with some black pants, instead of his blue pants and blue vest. It looked almost like a fighting outfit. Who knows, maybe he's a fighter ?

(Choose this as his royal clothings cause his actual skin for empires season 1 looks like something a teenager wouldn't wear)

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(Choose this as his royal clothings cause his actual skin for empires season 1 looks like something a teenager wouldn't wear)

"Earth to Fwhip ?" Sausage asked me waving his hand infront of my face. I shook my head. My face Flushed a bit. How long did I zone out for ?

"Hello?" I said sheepishly. He laughed.

"Did you listen to me ?" I shook my head. I could feel even more heat rising to my cheeks in embarrassment. That's a good first impression.

"I asked if you had something comfortable to change to ? Since you didn't get up to change too?" He pointed out. He right, I was still wearing my normal clothings. I shook my head

"If you mean pyjamas then yes" I said trailing off.

He stared at me. "Wait don't you like ever wear something more comfortable?" He asked me. I shook my head again.

"Where did you grow up ?" He asked sarcastically 

"In grimland"

"It was a rhetorical question" he said. I could see that he was fighting a smile.

I laughed. He just rolled his eyes. Then went over to his drawers. I stood up and walked over to him.

"Look I've got this teal hoodie ? And these pants. It's a soft fabric" he said holding the clothing to me. I nodded

"Why are you showing me this ?" I asked slightly confused.

He started laughing. "It's for you. If it fits of course." He said smiling at me.

My eyes went wide. "Like a present ?" I asked him. He laughed again and nodded.

"Like a present. Go put it on. I going to search for something smaller in the meantime" he said shooing me out the door. I laughed

"What's so funny?" Gem asked curious

"Nothing" I said and walked past her to the bathroom. She eyes me sceptically, but lets it slide, for now at least. Knowing gem, she would probably ask about it later again.

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. It had a lot of space. There was a cabinet with four spaces. Each one for one of them. I put sausages clothes down on one.


I looked into the mirror. The Hoodie was a bit to big and the pants a bit baggy. It's not like im short, sausage is just way to tall.

The hoodie didn't even reach to my knees. So that's a good sign. The pants looked like it was intentional to look so baggy. So nothing bad there either. I smiled. It really was a soft fabric.

I could even pull a hood over my face. It did go till my eyes, but now nobody could see me.

I unlocked the door and walked towards my room. Pearl was watching TV and didn't care about me and gem was probably in her room.

I opened my door


The moment when you have nothing to do in your life and you just sit there and do nothing for 3 hours  until the energy kicks in right before you plan on going to bed 

Words: 1059

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