Chapter one - packing

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Sausage pov

I was excited. Finally a school. The crystal cliffs queen, crystalline, had been talking about the build of a new school ever since the old one was caught in the crossfire of the king of the grimlands attacking the cod village. Luckily the royals live in the ocean empires palace and we're not harmed, but the school in mythland was.

Now I was happy to be back with people.

"Yes bubbles girl. Im gonna be with the other emperors kids now! Im gonna make friends and possibly even alliances for the empire in the future."

"And to do that you need to pack your bag first" I heard a voice say. It was calm and nice so I turned around and was met by pearl standing at the doorway leaning against the doorframe and the wall.

"Pearl! How are you!" I immediately said hugging her.

"Hello sausage, mate, I'm good! I see you are excited for school ?" pearl said sitting down and helping me put the clothes into the suitcase correctly.

"Well yes! Imagine If we get to share a dorm!" I said excited. The dorms were introduced by queen crystalline of the crystal cliffs. The queen has said that every student was going to be assigned a dorm with up to 4 people in it. Two would be sharing a room each.

"I don't think that will happen" pearl laughed

"Why not? I'm gay?" I told Her. She immediately started laughing

"Ah yes sorry. We should be paired. Childhood friends plus me being a lesbian and you being gay. That's how it should be." She continued laughing. I joined in.

"You think we will see gem there ?" I asked her

"I do hope so!" She said enthusiastically. I laughed. Pearl is way to obvious. I don't know how gem still hadn't noticed that pearl wasn't just being a good friend. She was mostly flirting with her

"You think you will meet someone ?" She asked me putting a pile of shirts into the suitcase.

I shrugged. Who knows what the future may bring ?

"I don't know. But he should be chaotic" I told Her. I tried my best to be the best son possible, but at the same time be chaotic. It was more of a choice for Me. I wanted to be chaotic. Didn't work most of the time tho.

There was a comfortable silence, while we packed my suitcase. Then pearl started talking again.

"I've heard, that the grimlands kings son will go to our school." pearl said casually. The grimlands king was ruthless. Ever since his wife had left him, he was cold hearted. He had started wars with many empires and some say, that he was as cold as he was to the empires, to his own son too. King Steven Grimm has also started a war with my parents. The king and queen of mythland.

"Wait he's going to be there ?" I asked her confused. Since when? The king never wanted his son to attend a school. "That's weird"

"Yea it is."

"What's his name ?"

"Fwhip. I think it was" she furrowed her brows in thought. I giggled.

"Stop laughing at me" she hit me straight in the face with a pillow she found on my chair.

"Hey-" she hit me again.


"Hey guys- oh my! What's going on here ?!" Gem walked in. I mean she wasn't exaggerating.

Around pearl and me were pillows and feathers. Some books were hit off the shelves and some decorations have fallen too.

"Hello gem! How are you?" Pearl said in a sweet voice. She stood up and hugged the wizard. She laughed

"Hey gem. Have you heard that the prince of the grimlands will be going to our school" I told her trying to use some of my magic to clean the room. Dark magic was powerful but weird. And for someone with no knowledge of it it's even weirder.

"What? really ?" She stopped to look at me.

"Yes. It's weird isn't it" is all what I said

I finally got the book to float. Some magic was visibly flying around it.

I lifted all the books and let them float back into their shelves gracefully.

"Do you know him ?" I asked her.

She stopped whatever she was doing and looked at me. "What ?"

"I asked if you know him" I repeated

"Well I knew him" Gem started

"Really? How is he?" I asked. I was genuinely curious. Nobody in this world knew anything about the prince. Other than that he was chaotic, was left by his mother and that he was probably a bit evil.

"Well he's actually kind. At least from what I can remember. I think you knew him too sausage?" Gem said

"Wait I did ?" I asked. Well that's something new

"Anyways. Princes aside: how are you guys doing with packing?" Gem asked

"Pretty good actually" I answered, as pearl said "I'm already done" at the same time

"Well do you two want an early tour of the school?" Gem asked us both. We naturally both agreed


First chapter out. If you have any suggestions, something to point out or things you want me to change just say it. 

I already have a set plan, but it's literally just the main events. 

So I can add stuff if you'd like me too. 

Words: 896

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