Chapter 6 - cafeteria

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Sausages pov:

The cafeteria wasn't crowded. Like at all. But I saw some people there. Some were familiar from The morning some not.

We started searching for a table. Pearl then pointed to one. A boy was sitting there already. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He was also wearing a black-blue jacket. I remember him from earlier.

"Mind if we sit here ?" I asked him

He looked up from his phone. He looked visibly upset. Then he smiled "not at all" he said. Then turned back to his phone. It looked like he was chatting with someone.

"So who are you guys ?" He asked us after he pocketed his phone again.

"I'm sausage myth from the mythlands" I said then pointed at pearl

"I'm pearlescent moon from gilded helianthia. But please call me pearl" the brown haired girl smiled. She nodded at gem

"I'm Gemini of the crystal cliffs. But I think you know that already. My friends call me gem" she said enthusiastically.

"I'm Fwhip Grimm from the grimlands" Fwhip said. He looked kinda uncomfortable.

"So you're the guy no one has ever seen around ? How is it in your kingdom? Is your father as bad as everyone says?" The boy asked

Fwhip nodded. He looked like he didn't want to be here. "Why? What does everyone say ?" He said confused 

"Does he like give you any rights. Are you allowed to decide something for yourself. Is he as cold and ignorant towards you as he is to other empires?" He rambled 

"Ehh. No. No and yes" Fwhip said unsure and thinking

As the other boy wanted to say something else I interrupted him "so what's your name ?" I asked as if I had no idea he wanted to say something else

"Oh yes, sorry, how rude of me. I'm pixl from Pixandria, the copper kingdom" pixl said

"Hello pixl!" Gem Said. "Nice to meet you!" She added

"Oh please call me pix" he said smiling.

Then it was quiet again. The students now came rushing in slowly but surely.

"What do you want to eat ? I'm going to get the food now" I asked them.

"I will probably eat some fish" said pix

"I'd like to have some pizza!" Fwhip said excited. We laughed

"I will have some pizza too" gem said laughing.

I nodded. I looked at pearl now.

"I'll help you get the stuff. What do you want ?"

I was silent for a bit. A burger sounded nice. The silence was soon filled by gem starting to talk.

"Didn't notice you like oversized clothes" gem told Fwhip

"Oh I don't. I got this from sausage" I heard him laugh.

"So now your stealing his clothes ?" Pearl smirked

I looked at her. She was smirking at me.

"He didn't have any comfy clothes so I gave him some" I just shrugged. "Anyways. Ima go and get the food now" I stood up quickly pearl did so to and followed me.

"Mhm just lending him some clothes. Just like that ?" She smirked again

"Yes pearl. Now stop that." I said rolling my eyes playfully. She laughed in return

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