Chapter 7 - school day

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Fwhips pov:

I woke up by someone shaking me awake. I looked up and saw some blue eyes. I groaned.

"Lemme sleep" I mumbled. He chuckled.

"Sorry, but you need to wake up now and get ready. Pearl and gem brought up some breakfast for us to eat."

"Mhm not hungry" I said.

He sighed. He then sat down on the mattress.

"Fwhip. Classes start in 10 minutes. Please get ready. You have no idea where to go." He tried to reason with me

I groaned again and sat up rubbing my eyes.

I looked at the time. It was 7:45. Class started at 8.

"Homeschool let me wake up when I wanted to" I groaned.

"Yep, you are in a real school now. So get ready." He said laughing at me. He was wearing his royal clothings again. The one that look like he's going to fight someone.

I sighed. "This is annoying" I mumbled and took out my clothes to take them with me towards the bathroom.

"First day and you already don't want to be here ?" Pearl laughed

Gem looked at me and smiled "it's gonna be fine Fwhip. Nothing wrong with not being a morning person!"

I groaned. I just wanna wake up in peace. I don't want people constantly talking to me.


"Fwhip we are late" I could hear sausage say panicked as I ate my scrambled eggs. They tasted somewhat weird and dry. What kind of breakfast is this ?

"How about we go buy some cereal later" I mumbled with my mouth full of food.

"Yes yea. We'll do that. I'll even buy you anything you want. Just can we please get going now ?" He said pleading

"Relax. I'm the principals son" I said smug. Sausage rolled his eyes at me.

"We're going" is all he said. Then he took my arm and started pulling me along, he took our bags in one hand and still pulled me along with the other.

He closed the door and ran.

"Sausage stop running" I said annoyed. It's the first day. We can just say we're late.

"Can't you like teleport us there with your magic ?" I asked him bored. He stared at me.

"I might need to show you what powers I exactly possess. But not right now. Technically I can lift you up with some magic" he pointed out. The idea of him showing me about his magic was amazing. My father may not like magic, but I do.

"I'm so sorry we're late!" Sausage said the moment her opened the door to our first class. It was alchemy.

"We we just finished introducing ourselves. Would you guys want to do that too?" She said. It wasn't really a question.

"I'm Fwhip" I just said. I then pointed at the brown haired one "that's sausage" I then pulled him along towards my sister. Pearl was laughing and gem was trying not to.

"What going on with you two?" I asked them. Sausage let go of my hand and sat down next to pearl. They immediately started whispering about something. To pearls right was gem and I sat down next to my twin.

"Why are you both late ?" She asked me

"Cause he is a lazy boy" is what sausage said to gems question.

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