How could you?

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(Okay so it's been a couple months since If/then has opened and they are getting ready to actually perform in front of millions of people in like a few weeks, but this happens so......)

I walk into my house happy to see Taye and Walker after a long time. I get closer to my bedroom and hear "Oh Taye." I am immediately enraged with anger. The salty tears brim my eyes, and I didn't hold them back I let them fall. I throw my purse at the bedroom door and leaned against the wall. I fell to the ground and held my legs close up to my chest the tears falling like a waterfall. I hated Taye for cheating on me, how could he I loved him I trusted him I gave him my heart my whole life. And he threw it away to fuck some ugly bitch. The tears felt like they were so hot and full of hatred that they burned my cheeks. Just then Taye walked out he came over and crouched next to me. "Dee what's wrong?" He said rubbing my back. I looked at him my so angry and broken. Seeing him be concerned for me pretending not to know what he did to me made me even madder. "YOU KNOW WHATS WRONG!! YOU FUCKED SOME GIRL IN OUR OWN HOUSE...." I looked down at the floor. "Who was it?" I asked not looking up from the floor. "Dee I'm so sorry, it meant nothing I was bored." WHO WAS IT?" I yelled getting really agitated. "It was Jacqueline, I'm so sorry I love you so much Dee." "Wait you fucked James' wife?" Taye looked down at his fingers he was twirling. "Yes." I got up and tried to walk out but Taye grabbed my wrist saying "Dee please don't leave me." I tried to release my hand but his grip tightened. "LET ME GO!!!" I screamed trying to pull away. He wouldn't let go of me, I started hitting his chest saying "let me go." He grabbed my other arm and threw me against the wall. He walked towards me and said "If I can't have you, then no one can I will make you regret breaking-up with me. You want a divorce? Well forget it you won't be alive after today. And neither will Walker." I started trembling and backing up towards the room down the hallway and he kicked me in the face. I started getting really scared. I had my mouth open breathing heavily, a drip of warm bitter-tasting thick blood dripped into my dry mouth. He walked out to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of liquor. He came back to where he left me in the hallway, he pulled my hair back and forced the liquor down my throat. It came out quickly I tried to gulp as fast as it was coming out and I choked. I spit some out at Taye and he forced more down my throat. I spit more out at him and he got mad, he took the bottle and hit it on the top of my head. Glass shards went everywhere and some pierced my scalp. My head was wet from a mixture of the liquor and blood from the glass. I started crying uncontrollably, Taye stood up kicked me in the ribs, knocking the breath out of me. As I managed to catch my breath I looked over and Walker was standing there in the doorway to his bedroom crying. He looked at Taye, "Don't hurt my mommy." He said between tears. Taye looked at Walker, "Don't worry, I won't hurt her to bad. She won't feel a thing and neither will you." He walked over to Walker and picked him up by his shirt. He slapped him in the face and he threw him at me. I hugged Walker trying to calm him down, but it wasn't working he was scared to death. Taye grabbed the keys on the counter and walked out of the door. After we were sure that Taye was gone we went in Walker's room and locked the door. We grabbed Walker's boo and his dinosaurs and went in the closet. Unfortunately the closet door didn't lock, but his normal door did. After what seemed like 30 minutes he came back. He stomped down the hall and went into the bedroom. I heard this little sound, I didn't know what it was a first. But then I realized that he was picking the lock, he's gonna get us. Walker looked at me and started to cry. I held him and said "shhh baby it's okay." He continued to cry quietly and said "Mommy I don't wanna die." I looked at him and started to cry too and all I could say was "Me neither." He got threw the door and went to the closet, he opened it and he had a knife. He stabbed Walker with it and then me. He threw me to the ground next to Walker and I covered Walker's wound. I didn't care about mine, I wanted my son to be ok. Taye picked up Walker and took him into the bedroom, he threw him on the bed, went into the dining room and got a chair. He went back into the bedroom put the chair down and tied Walker up to it. He came in Walker's room and got me, he picked me up and dragged me through the doorway to our room. He threw me on the bed, he tied my hands and feet to the bedpost. He ripped off my clothes, he took his clothes off and forced himself inside me. He beat me while he forced himself inside me. I tore a little every time he jammed himself inside. I looked over and that's when I realized Walker was there. His cheeks wet from his tears, his eyes brimmed with more tears ready to fall, duct tape muffling his screams. I start to cry, Taye pulls out and ejaculates. He goes over and rips the tape off Walkers mouth and Walker screams. His crying gets louder as Taye slaps him once more. Taye calls the cops and leaves us there just like that.
(I'm sorry you probably hate me for this🙊🙈)

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