You're safe now

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🌹Idina's POV🌹
I woke up gasping for air.
"WALKER!!!" I screamed. The nurse was trying to hold me down to the bed. I finally calmed down a little.
"What the hell happened to me? Why did my stomach hurt so much? Why was there so much blood?" I said getting concerned. She looked at me.
"Idina, did you know that you were pregnant?"
I looked down,
"No I didn't."
"Well when you came in this time we found out you were pregnant. But you're not anymore, what just happened out in the hallway was-well-you lost the baby."
I started to cry,
"I am actually happy that I didn't have to have that baby. I am so happy that I didn't have to have a constant reminder of when Taye raped me. My crying got harder. She rubbed my back to comfort me. I looked up at her.
"Will I ever be able to get over this tragedy?"
" I don't think one can ever forget what happened to them, just simply let it go. The past is in the past and you're safe now. (No pun intended)
I nodded she turned to walk out.
"Oh, wait! How is Walker?"
"Oh he is fine, he finally woke up from being in a coma. But he's getting some rest right now." I nodded.
"Thank you so much!" I smiled bitterly. But she was already out the door. I looked up as James walked in, he hugged me. Idina just stared at him, he was saying something but she wasn't paying attention. She then just spaced out thinking about what that lady said to her....
(Sorry it's a little short.)

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