Recovering from this tragedy

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*******IDINA'S POV*******
I watched as the ground moved and disappeared under the chair. James wheeled me to the car, I finally get to go home, and I finally get to see Walker again after a while. We got to my house and went in, it was a mess, chairs tipped over, my vases broken and dirt everywhere, paper covered the floors. That prick! She thought. Flashbacks from that night flooded into my mind, James saw worry clouding my eyes and he neared me, only for me to walk away. I walked down the hall, blood stained the carpet where Taye smashed the bottle of liquor against my head. Tears brimmed my eyes as I neared my bedroom. The chair still there in which formerly held Walker. The bed still a mess, I fell to my knees crying uncontrollably to which James had rushed to my side to comfort me.
"You should get some rest." He said his hand on my shoulder.
I only nodded as I wiped the tears away. James began cleaning the house as I fell asleep. I was awakened by a kiss on my cheek, I opened my eyes to find a bright peach-faced little boy. I smiled as I sat up, "Hi boogie." I said as Walker gave me a hug.
"Hi mommy." He said giving me a broad smile. I smiled a little and rubbed his hair.
"Did you have fun at aunt Cara's?" I said sitting back.
"Yeah! She bought me a new dinosaur." He looked down. He started to cry, I hugged him asking him what was wrong.
He just looked at me and said,
"Mommy, I love you with all my heart. And my dad.....Taye...hurt me. He hurt you, and that's not okay. I had fun at aunt Cara's, I had fun with uncle Benny too.( Benny is someone I made up who is Cara's husband😁) But since she bought me a dinosaur when I went. The exact same night you went to the hosible (because he's 5 and can't pronounce things. Maybe I don't know his life. But it's cute.) that dinosaur will be a constant reminder of how Taye hurt you." I started to tear up.
"Did you disown your dad or something? Because you keep calling him Taye."
"I guess I did, I never wanna see him again in my life mom." He looked at me and started crying uncontrollably,
I hugged him and calmed him down.
"Don't worry Walker. I won't make you. I'll never make you do something you don't want to."
That night I fell asleep on the floor. James got mad at me and said to get on the bed, but I said that brings back to many flashbacks. So he slept on the floor with me. I'm in a deep sleep whenever I feel James nudging me to wake up. I wake up to hear Walker screaming at the top of his lungs: "NO GET AWAY FROM ME!! DONT TOUCH MY MOM!! I WILL KILL YOU!!" I went in and tried to wake him up but he just screamed: MOMMY DONT LET HIM HURT ME!! MOMMY HELP ME!!" My heart sunk. I woke him up finally and calmed him down. I looked at James,
"Can you please help me find a new place to live? We can't keep living like this." He nodded.
They had found a new place within' a couple days. Walker had had 3 more nightmares after that one. When they moved the nightmares stopped. James had helped them move then went to the theater. I was still home, since you know I had gotten RAPED! They let me stay off of work for a month. But then I had to go back to doing the job I love. I hired a babysitter for when I had to go back, and the night I went back. Oh my God it was HORRIBLE!! I never wanted to cry so hard in my life! And I never wanted to leave Walker so much before!
It all started when I turned to leave.....
(Yo guys, so I hope your enjoying Here so far... Comment what I should call you guys....on instagram I call my followers my lovelies but... I don't want the same for both..idk what else to say other than comment and vote😁😘)
Oh yeah and it's a little boring I know but trust me it gets better.

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