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Idina's POV
If/then is going to be over in a couple months. I'm pregnant, and can't do much more shows. I'm already 5 months. But seriously I haven't been in the show for a while. Like I've been in it for like 3 months top. Maybe 4. Out of the whole time, because I kept getting myself into situations. The whole Taye thing, the car wreck. The Jacque thing, I do love Oliver. He has such a high spirit, he is very lovable and loves to cuddle with his momma. Well whenever James isn't cuddling me. Which is like never, James never leaves my side. Especially now, cause I'm carrying his baby. But I'm really emotional, just the other day I was crying because the thermostat wasn't set at the right temperature. And James was laughing at me. Like seriously I wanted to throat punch him. Everything that happened to me got out, and so all my fans know everything. They know about me and James, about the baby, about Taye, about Jacque and Oliver. They have tweeted me a lot and I've appreciated it all. They all congratulated me, well I posted a picture when I first started to show. And today we have another ultra sound and we're gonna see what the sex is. James, helped me get ready. And helped me into the car, I'm really thankful that James is helping me a lot. I just can't believe he still loves me, I've been a complete bitch to him for the past 2 months. We drove the boys to school, and drove off to my appointment. I laid up on the bed, and pulled my shirt up. The nurse put on the gel, which I winced at because it was cold. I looked up at the monitor, and there was my baby. I started crying, I'm feeling all the emotions all the emotions.
"Well, your baby looks very healthy, and is growing very well. Would you like to know the sex?" The doctor asks.
"Actually we want to be surprised." I say smiling. I wipe the gel off my stomach and walk out. James is talking to the nurse. He walks out smiling.
"I know what the sex is hahahahaha." He says sticking his tongue out at me.
"Ok well don't tell me." I say glaring at him. We go home, and he rubs my feet.
"Ugh, I needed this." I say eating a piece of chocolate. We're watching Greys Anatomy and it's an episode about babies. They call in Addison. The baby was born with its heart outside of its body. I was crying and eating ice cream. James took a picture and tweeted it: Note to self, never watch Greys anatomy with a pregnant @idinamenzel.
A/N: Ha I'm gonna surprise you with the sex of the baby.😜 And I was gonna make something go wrong but this pregnancy go fine but....Her next one or maybe her last one. Idk all I'm telling you is in the end they will have, 5 kids. 3 boys and 2 girls. K Love you bye.😘
Can you try and guess what the baby is😁 Just try. I may not tell you if you get it right but....OMG GUYS 800 READS!!!!😍😍😍 Is 5 kids too many??

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