Who are you?

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Idina's POV
I put Matthew down for a nap, I walked out to the living room. I sit down on the couch, all of a sudden a brown sack is put on my head. I'm knocked out, I wake up on a cold floor. A dark room, pitch black. I can feel I'm sitting on a chair. BOOM! POW! Bright lights in my face. I can see an outline of a man standing in front of me. He gets closer, I can make his face as my eyes adjust to the lights.
"JAMES!!??" I screamed, my eyes getting wide. He smiled,
He walked away. Another man walked up,
"What do you know about Taye?" He asked, pushing.
"Uh, I was married to him for 10 years, it was perfect! But one day I came home and caught him in bed with James' wife. He said he was sorry, but I was sick of hearing "sorry". So I was packing my things, and he grabbed me and threw me against the wall. Then he tied Walker up and forced him to watch while he raped me. That's all I know I swear!" I said as honest as I could. He wasn't very satisfied, so he slapped me across the face. I could feel the heat rise, it burnt like acid as tears mixed in with it. James calmed him down,
"Okay, please. Don't do that! You do that again, I'm gonna have to kill you!" James said seriously.
"Ok." The guy said. James untied me and we went home.
"You know he escaped again, right?" James said on the way home. I shook my head.
"He isn't gonna hurt you! I promise." James said. I looked at him,
"Who are you?" I said seriously.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"What the fuck do you mean, what do I mean. Who are you!?" I asked serious.
"I'm a detective, my job was to go undercover as an actor." He confessed.
"So all this was part of your plan?" I asked getting pissed off.
"No. No. Meeting you, and falling in love with you was not part of it. But we knew something was up with Taye, we kept a watch on him. We were protecting you." He said. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. I was about to walk in the house but I stopped. I turned around and gave him a hug.
"Thank you." I said quietly.
A/N: 😁😁 NEXT CHAPTER IS THE LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!! What do you think????????😁😍😘 3.12K reads OMG! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!! Idinaswife POOKIE!!! Just making sure you read the new chapter.....😊

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