The awkward morning after

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James' POV
I wake up in Idina's bed. My arms around her. I can tell that we're naked, I marvel at her body through the sheets. The sheets are white so, you can see like everything through them. Especially in the sunlight, which she was laying in the sunlight. Her chest rising and falling steadily, her chest was covered in her cute little freckles and just a little bit of her cleavage was showing. I go down lower, her wastes curve perfectly to hug her body and form her ass. I pinch it slightly and nuzzle my sex on hers. She opens her eyes and smiles. Her legs are perfect, and they are wrapped around mine. I rub my finger over her nipple and the soft silky fabric of the sheets. She moans slightly, and my mind actually processed the fact that: Oh my god I am naked in bed with Idina Menzel, I had sex with Idina Menzel. And she enjoyed it, I get up and put my clothes on to go make breakfast. I walk out to the kitchen, just then I hear someone saying,
"James?" I knew immediately that it was Walker. I looked back at him, he was standing there in his blue dinosaur foodies, his boo in his hand which had obviously been dragged on the floor as he was walking. And one hand raised at his face; rubbing his eye.
"Hi buddy." I said walking over to him and picking him up.
"Hi Jam-" he was cut off by a yawn.
"-es" he smiled.
"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask putting him in his booster seat.
"Dinosaur pancakes!" He screamed excitedly.
I then prepared everything. I had made 12 dinosaur pancakes and had put one on a Blues Clues plate, and sat it one the table in front of Walker.
"Syrup?" I asked holding the syrup up in front of his plate.
"Uh-huh." He nodded. I poured some all over his pancake.
"That was a stupid question huh?" I asked Walker as Idina walked into the kitchen.
Walker only nodded as he shoved a forkful of pancake into his mouth. Idina walked by and rubbed Walker's hair, then grabbed herself a plate and began eating after she sat down. We ate and then Idina took Walker to school. I then heard a knock on the door, I open it to find some lady that I didn't know standing there.
"Excuse me, are you James Snyder?"
"Yes I am."
"Was Jacqueline your ex-wife?"
"Uh yes." I said nodding.
"Well, she's been in a terrible accident. She's in the hospital."
The lady turned to leave as I thanked her. Idina got back, and then we went to the hospital.
(Oh my gosh guys😱 I don't know what to do! I feel like it's going too fast. Like I feel like everything is all moving just too fast😖 please comment. It'll give me some motivation cause I kind of lost my Jadina feels right now.)

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