Happy day

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Idina's POV
I wake up to Walker and Oliver jumping on the bed screaming:
"IT'S CHRISTMAS GET UP!" I am Jewish, and I usually celebrate Hanukah. But. James is a Christian (Idk, what religion he is..) and me and Walker are excited to try celebrating Christmas. I got up,
"Ok, ok." I said yawning. The boys run out of the room, and I'm immediately turned around, and felt big warm lips crash onto mine.
"Are you ready?" He asked smiling. I nodded and returned the smile. My parents would kill me if they knew what I was doing, Jewish people don't do this, but....I want to. To know how it is, at least just once. I went to get Matthew, I turn to find him standing smiling at me. I smile back and pick him up. I carry him downstairs, I put him down to crawl. I look at the tree, and I'm happy. I watch the boys open their presents with smiles on their faces. This has been a great day. At the end of the day I cuddle up with the one person I love sleeping next to.
A/N: okay, I know it's short but...yeah. Ok, I'm gonna end this with something dramatic. I'm sorry you guys but this story is just dragging on. But OMG! 3.09K reads! THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!❤️

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