Promise me forever

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Idina's POV
James came to give me my cup of coffee. He lifted my chin and leaned in to kiss me. I put my finger up to his lips to stop him.
"I just puked." He just kisses me on the cheek.
"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I just have the flu." I said shaking my head.
"Yeah but the flu doesn't last for two weeks. You should go to the hospital." I take a sip of my coffee and say nothing.
"Why don't you take off work today and see what's wrong?"
He says rubbing my back. I nod.
~~~Fastforward time~~~
I was sitting on the couch reading Fifty Shades of Grey. (I couldn't think of any other books😂) the boys were in bed and James finally came home. I looked up at him as he wiped snow off his boots.
"Oh I-I-I just got really bad food poisoning." I said nodding my head. That's a lie.
"Uh, you're acting strange. Idina what's going on?" I immediately freaked out.
"Heh, I mean I just have food poisoning." I say trying to cover that up. Shit!
"Idina that's great, we're gonna have a baby." He says hugging me. I give him a half smile.
"What's wrong?"
"James, I-I-I-uh." I looked down.
"I-I love you." I say relieved that I finally got that out.
"I love you too." He says kissing me. How could I have been so stupid though like seriously who gets the flu for 2 weeks. And plus every time me and James had sex we never used protection. Wow Idina, wow. How could I not see this coming?
"Promise me James, that you'll love me forever." My heart sunk when I heard his response.
"I can't, I can't promise you forever." He comes closer and pulls me closer to his body.
"Because forever's too long." He adds and I feel a wave of relieve crashing over me. I'm finally happy.
A/N: Sorry it's short. But I can't decide if they should have twins or just one baby. UGH!!!!!! What should I do???? Or triplets??? UGH😱😱 MY LIFE!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!

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