The end

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Idina's POV
I wake up in a dark room once again, the familiar cold stone floor underneath me. This time I'm tied up. A bright light is suddenly shining in my face. I hear a deep familiar laugh. He gets closer to me and I realize who it is.
"Taye!? How did you.....oh never mind." I screamed.
"I have my ways." He said with a raspy voice. He was definitely not the man I once knew. He grabbed my hair in the back, and yanked on it; so my face was looking at his.
"You make me sick." I said spitting in his face. He wiped it off.
"And you, are a disgrace to women all over America." He growled. I gave him a dirty look. He saw it and came over and kicked me in the ribs, leaving me gasping for air. He took my head and banged it against the floor, then kicked me in the ribs again. Catching my breathe, looking up at him with a bloody forehead and cut open lip.
"Why don't you just kill me already?" I ask whimpering.
He clenched his fists, hitting his head off the wall, I could tell he was getting agitated.
"Oh, because you don't have the guts to kill the woman you used to love." I said, knowing I was pushing it here. He pulled out a gun, and pointed it at me.
"Shut up! I will shoot you, don't test me Idina." He said shaking. Just then a shot is fired, and there's a thump. I open my eyes to see Taye on the ground and James untying me. I stood up,
"Now let's get out of here!" James said.
"Not so fast!" Came a deep voice. We turn around to see, him standing holding us at gunpoint. He opens his shirt revealing a bullet-proof vest.
"Roll that gun over here!" Taye said. James shook his head, and shot him in the leg, then Taye shot and James shot him in the head and killed him. The bullet was about to hit me, but James jumped in the way. The bullet hit his heart, making him instantly weak. He fell in my arms, and I carefully guided him to the floor. Tears started streaming down my face.
"Idina! I want you to make sure the boys don't grow up without a fatherly figure. I hope you'll tell them stories about me. But I just want you to be happy, don't mourn over me too long." He said gulping, wincing as if gulping was too much for him. Tears were burning my cheeks.
"I.....I didn't even get to marry you." He smiled, his eyes slowly closing.
"I love you." He whispered. Before his eyes shut completely.
"James? James! JAMES!" I screamed tears staining his shirt. The room turned silent except for the sound of my weeping being drowned out by the sound of sirens wailing.
A/N: That's it. Hope you liked it. Please don't hate me too much...

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