What we owe to each other. (Finney x Vance, fluff/getting together.)

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Class project and coffee.

I don't personally ship this, but I love doing requests since I get writer's block easily. So this one-shot is for Laci (ty for your request, they requested on ao3)

-Lecture hall at UCLA (11:21 A.M. March 7th, Tuesday) -

'Today's lecture is on the topic 'What do we owe to each other' I know you're all rolling your eyes at my love for ethics, but it's semi-necessary for the test we have coming up. Now.." The professor starts his lecture about something to do with ethics and philosophy. Typically Vance would have at least tried and paid any mind to what his professor's saying, but he just can't be bothered today.

After around fifty(?) minutes the teacher closes out with "The real question you're all going to answer with your essay's is what the real answer in our relationships is. So, turn to the left every other person starting at the beginning of your row. That person will be your partner in this 'essay' . You'll each need to write five paragraphs, each around eight sentences and answer that question in your own words. Now, that's all I have for today. You're free to leave early or use this time as a study hall." The professor says, indicating the end of the lesson. The person to his left would be a guy he believes is name Finney.

"Hey, I'm guessing we'll be partners?" Finn says before he gets the chance, a small smile following the words. "Yeah, guess so." Vance replies, smiling back. "Here's my number, text me after your last class and we can arrange a time to work on the project." Finn says, handing a piece of paper to him and grabbing his stuff to leave.

-UCLA dorms (2:53 P.M. March 7th, Tuesday) -

Vance's last class was ethics, the one he has with Finn. And he feels it's safe to assume that isn't Finn's last class, so he waits a little bit before shooting over a 'Hey, I just got out of class. Let me know when you're free.'

Which, pretty much instantly got a response of 'Hi! And, I'm free for the rest of the day. And most of tomorrow. Just text me what times you'll be free for the rest of the week and we can pick one of those times.' so Vance just sent 'I can make time, just let me know when you are and I'll be available.'

After some back and forth, they agreed on meeting up at the cafe' off fifth around five P.M. and grabbing coffee beforehand.

-Text conversation between; Vance and Bruce (3:26 P.M. March 7th, Tuesday) -

Vance: Guess whos meeting up with a cute blonde from ethics

Bruce: Is it you?

Vance: Yes.

Bruce: Omg congrats, you've seriously needed to get back into the dating scene for, like, ever.

Vance: Yeah, but we're just going for coffee then the library to work on a project.

Bruce: I would be disappointed if you didn't mention the coffee part, you only get coffee TOGETHER if it's a study type date.

Vance: Omg, it's just a project. Calm down.

Bruce: Hehe, no.

Vance: Die.

-Cafe' (5:07 P.M. March 7th, Tuesday) -

"Hey, sorry I was late!" Finn greets, sitting down at the table once he arrives and shrugs off his raincoat. It had started raining about an hour ago and wasn't seeming to let up any time soon. "No problem, you're fine. I ordered you the coffee you said you were getting in our messages earlier, hope that's okay." Vance says, sliding a cup towards the man sitting across from him. "You didn't, like, roofie it or anything? Right?" Finn asks, sniffing and inspecting the drink. "What? No." Vance replies, confused by the others' actions.

"Okay, just checking." Finn says, taking a sip out of the drink and watching Vance carefully as he does so. Vance just staring back wondering what the fuck is wrong with his partner. (for the project, of course)

"If you brush your hair once in a while you might actually land yourself a girlfriend." Finn says, seemingly out of nowhere and just continues sipping his coffee. "Excuse me?" Vance asks, having to harshly swallow the now luke-warm liquid hashly so he didn't spit it at Finn. "If. You. Brush. Your. Hair. On-" "I know what you said, I'm just appalled." Vance says. "Okay, it's not my fault you don't brush you-" "No, I'm appalled you think I'm straight. This is an emotional defense." "Oh. OH-"

They sit in silence for a few minutes, Finn rethinking his life choices. Vance wondering why he randomly came out in a public cafe.

"Wait, so you're like?" Finn asks, doing the loose wrist motion. "Yes, anymore questions?" Vance asks, staring at Finn like he's just spilled coffee on his favorite pair of shoes. 'Yeah actually, what's your like type?" Finn replies, putting his chin in his palm and leaning forward on the table with a smile.

"Not dorky brunettes who are cocky." Vance says, taking a sip of his coffee "I'm blonde." Finn replies. "You're cocky." Vance says, plainly. "Confident." Finn corrects, smile growing by the minute. "Dorky then." Vance says "Okay, I won't fight you on that one. But be honest, I'm at least sorta your type. I've seen your exes." Finn replies, taking a sip out of his basically creamer and sugar coffee.

"Y'know what, fair enough." Vance eventually agrees, "Sooo, does that mean you'll actually consider this a date? Since I'm sure you didn't get the indication over text." "Oh my god, Bruce was right." Vance replies, looking dumbfounded. "Also, do you have any idea what the question 'What do we owe to each other?' Means? Because I do not." Finn asks, looking at Vance hopefully. "I do, you leach." Vance replies, going on to explain it.

This was fun to write tbh, it gave me an excuse to break out of the box 'Don't say it' kinda put me in. Like love writing it, don't get me wrong!

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