I'm out of ideas for titles </3 (vinney, fluff)

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He used to try and play pinball when he's come but gave up when Vance was there every day. Robin catches him staring and teases him "Aww, looking at your boyfriend Vancey Wancey?" Robin says in a whisper, making sure Vance doesn't overhear. "No, shut up."

This is semi-requested, aka I had it in the que for the last few weeks and someone requested something similar so I'm passing it off as that so I can have an excuse to publish vinney 

All he can hear through the ringing in his ears is barking, not his own footsteps against the concrete as he walks over to the meat freezer, not even the sirens that are outside. He's heard descriptions and stuff from Robin about what he thinks killers think or feel right after, and he was correct for the self-defense ones at least.

Ringing in your ears from the final noises that would emerge from their mouths, uneven breathing from the reality setting in, and the adrenaline wearing off. And the overwhelming feeling of dread.

He gives whatever the dog's name was some meat so he can go up the stairs with no difficulties, he's glad he remembers the code to the storm door.

"Finn!" Gwen calls out, running up to him and hugging him. He reciprocates the best he can from what just happened, blankly staring forward, unable to get his vision to really focus.

"Hey, Gwen, it's okay. It's okay." Finn reassures, patting her back. Eyes finally focusing on a man with dark hair (which is barely even there at this point)

"Hey, Finn, what's happening?" Someone calls out from one of the ambulances. "Is that-" "Yeah, go ahead," Gwen replies, interrupting her brother with a weak smile.

"I thought you were-" Finn starts "Yeah, so did I, I'll tell you all about it later. For now, you go over to the EMTs." Robin says, smiling in a similar fashion Gwen did. "Yeah, yeah, okay. Let's go." "Finn." "What?" "You realize I'm gonna stay here? In a separate truck right? I to stay with my mom, say hello since y'know I was presumed dead." Robin says. "Right, yeah, of course. I knew that." Finn replies, awkwardly chuckling, before walking away to the ambulance his dad and Gwen are standing at.

"Hey, Dad," Finn says when he's getting his vitals done, still avoiding eye contact. "Listen, I'm so, so, so sorry. I promise I will be better from here on o..." His dad drones on, Finn not really listening since he's craning his neck to get a better view of Robin, and to see if anyone else is being wheeled out, alive or dead.

His dad eventually got on his knees and cried into the sibling's laps, clearly not understanding how much of an impact his prior actions have made in the siblings' lives. The number of times either of them had come down the stairs or been awoken to their sibling being beaten or verbally abused. The number of times they'd flinched solely from someone sighing.

"Dad, I'm gonna go check on Robin," Finn says once he gets the okay from the EMT he can. His dad got up and brushed himself off shortly after.

"Hey, Robin, you okay?" Finn asks, noticing his missing bandana and belt. "Hm? Oh yeah, I'm okay, they said they have to do some more... Tests, but y'know." Robin replies, avoiding eye contact when he mentions them running more tests. Finn, being able to take at least one hint in his life, hugs him and whispers something he couldn't remember the definition of into his ear but Robin would say when he would be feeling anxious or sad.

"Thank you, Mi Amor. Now go say hi to Gwen for me. We can talk either tonight or tomorrow." Robin says, waving him off.

And he would've, but Robin's not looking, so he doesn't listen. Instead, he looks over to a few of the stretchers, he's surprised to not see any body bags on them, even more, surprised when he sees Vance Hopper and Bruce Yamada awake and talking.

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