"Cocky idiot." (Vinney, fluff)

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Finn patching Vance up

This was requested by Lyronn (from AO3), and I might re-do this one since I got very off-topic (Or expand upon it later.) Sorry about how badly I did this btw

-Denver High (11:43 A.M. October 21st, Friday) -

"Is that Vance?" "Yeah, I think so. Wonder where he's going." Are the only whispers he can really piece together while he walks from his own class to the other's classroom. He knows he's going to get scolded for getting into a fight, not even including the fact it's before noon.

He still cannot get over the fact that the exchange student had the nerve to try and fight him. Which, maybe it did make sense? In a roundabout way, they just got here, they probably just wanted people to know that they can fight. (Not what people probably are thinking about them now, though.)

Vance is slowly counting down the number's to Finney's classroom, 203, 204, 205, ah 206.

"Could I help you, Mr. Hopper?" The teacher asks when Vance opens the door. "I just need to borrow Finney." Vance replies, pointing towards the dirty blonde boy who's smiling in his seat. "Lunch starts in ten, you can wait here while I wrap up my lesson." "Okay, thank you." Vance responds, fro someone who gets it fights, he's surprisingly respectful to school staff and other people who work with the public.

"And, just make sure by next week you have your essay on your mammal of choice done. And no, it can't be about 'your mom', Luke." Mrs. Johnson(?) says, then dismisses the class to either head to the cafeteria or eat in her classroom. "Also, if you choose to eat here, please don't leave any trash or food on the floor." Mrs. Johnson says, then walks out of her classroom to go eat her own lunch away from children.

"Hi." Vance greets, tracing the light carvings done with pencils with his fingers. "Hey, oh ew. What'd you do to your lip?" Finn asks, making a face when he reaches up to touch the shallow cut on the others face. "New kid punched me." Vance answers, not making any sign of discomfort at the proximity of Finn. "You're fighting again?" Finn asks. "No, he jumped me first." "And you fought back?" "Well-" "So you ARE fighting again?" Finn says, sighing. "I mean, yeah. But I wouldn't have fought if he didn't try and fight me first." Vance explains, getting a 'Uh-huh. Sure.' face from Finn in return.

"Mhm, sure, just sit in the chair." Finn says, sitting on the desk criss-cross so Vance can sit in the chair. "What if I don't?" Vance asks, crossing his arms. "Get an infection on your lip." Finn answers. "Just grab my backpack off the floor and get the first aid kit so I can patch you up." Finn says, pointing at his backpack on the floor.

Vance hands the kit to Finn and sits in Finn's chair. "You're so spoiled, I swear." Finn says, grabbing the alcohol pads from the little white box. "Am not." Vance replies, tucking his hair behind his ears. "Mhm, sure." "At least I'm not attracted to pans." Vance says. "Oh my god, at least I'm not beating children up." Finn replies "I was thirteen and he was twelve, I would never fight someone more than two years younger than me."

Vance glances around the room, most people are just staring at them. Which makes sense, Finn had put his legs down where his feet part where you sit, and paired with Finn cleaning up his cut lip could be kind've shocking. "Vance, stop moving." Finn says. Vance goes to open his mouth to bite back but receives a glare from Finn. Vance looks behind Finn and sees some of the kids who bully Finn looking shocked, he can sorta make out what they're saying "Can you believe the Vance Hopper is letting that f@g go anywhere near him?" The brunette with a shit haircut says "I know right?" A red head replies.

Finn grabs his jaw and turns his face back towards him, muttering something about how he's like a dog if he sees a bird. Fair enough, Vance had seen a squirrel and then decided to stare out the window.

Vance's never thought about it, but Finn's really pretty. He can see a small scar near the top of his left eyebrow, probably from being pushed down. He's surprised he's never noticed it before, considering how often Finn's patching him up. He knows he doesn't really deserve an explanation for every small indent or scar or even just bruise, but god does he want one. He knows he has less of a chance if he asks now, in front of other people, so he'll pocket this thought away for another day.

Finn reaches into the box and grabs a small band aid, opening it and placing it on his cut. "This'll prevent getting germs and bacteria in it, and so it doesn't bleed all over." Finn explains, once he finishes placing the band aid he reaches for one of Vance's hands.


Finn knows that if anyone even attempted to get this close to Vance, they'd leave with at least a black eye. So he relishes each moment he gets to have like this, in case he doesn't get another. "Vance, I physically cannot reach your hands. Give." Finn says, already having another alcohol pad ready. "Right, sorry." Vance says, giving Finn his hand. "Why are your hands so heavy?" Finn asks, cleaning off some of the dried blood from Vance's knuckles. "Y'know." Vance replies, trying to hold back a little bit of laughter. Finn just sighs and continues wiping the others' knuckles so he doesn't get an infection.

Vance has always been good at hiding emotions, which is what Finn's guessing he's doing right now. He knows Vance couldn't actually enjoy spending time with him. "I still can't get over the fact that you suck ass." Finn says, looking over Vance's hand to make sure he's cleaned up everything. "Excuse me?" Vance replies, fauxing offense. "I mean, you can't be very good at fighting if you have a cut lip." Finn says, grabbing a few band aids. "Says the one who got bullied for like yea- Ow!" Vance exclaims, pulling his hand back when Finn applies pressure to the small cuts. Finn just laughs and pulls Vance's hand back towards him.

Finn looks up for the first time since he started patching Vance up, and he wasn't expecting so many people to just be staring at them. Just in front of him he can count seven, three of which being his bullies. He accidentally presses harder on Vance's cut again. Vance doesn't protest or make any loud noises this time, just a quiet wince. "Sorry." Finn mutters, turning his attention back to Vance. "No problem, are you done?" Vance asks, Finn telling him "Yeah, let me just wipe the last little bit of blood off then I'll put a few band aids on and you'll be good to go." "Okay."

Finn sets the alcohol pad down in the small pile of them he'd already used, before grabbing a few band aids to prevent Vance's knuckles getting covered in too much more blood. "There you go." Finn says, pushing all the gross things he'd used to clean up Vance to the other's direction and telling him to throw it away. "What if I don't?" Vance asks, crossing his arms and leaning back in the others chair. "Considering I'm blocking you from getting up with my legs, I can put in a little more work and boom you can't get up and can barely move." Finn replies, crossing his own arms and leaning backwards a little himself. "What if I'd like that?" Vance asks, leaning forward and invading a little bit more of Finn's personal space. "I'd tell you you're weird." Finn replies, moving his legs to slightly fill his threat. "Get a room!" Someone else in the classroom yells, causing Finn to jump slightly and fall backwards.

Finn sits up and rubs his head, Vance crouching down next to him. "Would you say I fell for you?" Finn asks, doing finger guns. "I'd say..." Vance starts, leaning forward once again invading Finn's personal space, "You're a cocky idiot." Vance finishes, pushing Finn back with his index finger on his forehead. 

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