its not your fault, Rinney, idk what to label this

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This was a rough draft I wrote a bit ago, similar to another one shot

"Finn.." "I'm sorry." "Why?" "He's your boyfriend, not mine," Finn replies to the brunette girl in front of him, not looking up from his hands which rest on his lap.

"But, you like him? How I like him?" "Yes, I'm so, so, sorry Gwenny.." "It's not your fault." Gwen reassures with a gentle smile "You can't help who you love."

"But I didn't have to mope around at the roller rink while you two were finally spending time together!" "Okay, but that's his fault for ignoring you. You've been best friends for years then you almost lost him, it's, it's been a lot." Gwen sympathizes, smile having not wavered the tiniest bit.

"Finn, if I was supposed to be with him, and he wouldn't let his stares linger for longer than they should, especially if he loved me." Finn can hear the crack in her voice, but excuses it because she's essentially offering Robin to him on a silver platter. "No, no, Gwen-" "Finn. Please, don't fight me on this."

Finn wants to take this chance, use it to get what he wants finally. What he craves, but he can't. Not with Gwen sitting in front of him on the brink of tears. "Gwen, I can find someone else. I just can't third wheel anymore." Finn says, grabbing one of Gwen's hands. "Finn, he isn't worth making you unhappy." "I could say the sam-" "He settles for me, he went for you. He stayed with you, I could call him and he'd make some half-ass excuse as to why he can't. When you call, he's there. He's left me to be with you. I just have wishful thinking, and if you didn't have feelings for him I could've thought this for the rest of my life." Gwen explains, taking a deep exhale and blinking away the few tears that gathered in her water line.

"Gwen, I can move on. You don't have to do this, you need to let yourself be happy. Just once." Finn says, voice getting shaky. "Finn, I will never be truly happy with him. You would be." Gwen says, weirdly ominous, but that's for another time.

"Finn, you can make him happy, in a way I can't. Please, just let me do this for you." Gwen says, voice laced with slight envy. "Gwen, I-I love him. But I can't have him, because he's yours. He'll always be yours." Finn replies.

No matter how much satisfaction Robin could bring him, he could never take him from Gwen. Not when he brings her so much happiness. He can live off glances that last for a second too long and quiet nights. Robin may be right about the fact he would never do anything to hurt anyone. But, until the ache in his heart goes away, that can never be truly correct.

Even if all he has at the end of the day is Gwen and himself, he can live with that. As long as Gwen keeps Robin, and doesn't leave him for Finn's happiness.

Maybe when he was younger, he would've tooken the chance for Robin in a second. But now, all he can do is leave him for Gwen. So she can have that white picket fence and two kids, the thing she's talked about since she was a kid. He can settle, if it means Gwen gets to keep what she has desired for so many years. 

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