"What're you saying?" (Mainly Rinney concept for a fic. Mainly fluff!)

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Finn and Robin talk and make some... Decisions.

I want preference this by saying, I wrote this a week ago, and am now publishing this. Also if you see this again under my profile, I did decide to make it a fic. 

Anyways stan polyamory/open relationships (with correct communication) bc yeah.

-Robin's house (2:43 P.M. October 21st, Friday) -

Finn's currently pacing back and forth while Robin showers, Robin had agreed that they should spend the afternoon together once he got home from dropping something off at Vance's. It was a half-day so school got out at noon.

"Hey, sorry I would've waited but but you made it seem really important and I smelt bad because Vance still uses fucking axe bodyspray." Robin says, walking back into his bedroom already dressed. "You're fine." Finn replies, licking his lips before continuing "I know we always make sure to tell each other when we find someone else cute and stuff. But, what are your opinions on polyamory, like adding someone else to the relationship or adding mu-" "I know what polyamory is, Finn, I'm not THAT stupid." Robin interrupts. "And my opinions on it are I've never thought about it before."

Finn sits down on Robin's bed and starts to explain "Okay, how would you feel if we didn't break up slash go on a break but we added one or two more people to our relationship. Obviously we'd still be committed to each other, but we'd just also be with someone else." "I mean, as long as we agree on the person, have good communication, don't be with anyone outside of our agreement, and if anyone involved becomes uncomfortable at any time we talk about it." Robin replies, sitting next to Finn. "Okay, uhm, are you on board if we start something like that? Like add another person?" Finn asks, giving a chance for Robin to state that he isn't okay with this idea. "I mean, if you want to, I'm down to try it. I don't wanna say no, and it ends up making both of us happier and having a better relationship. But, you have to promise that you won't pick someone I despise like Moose or one of those other fucktards." Robin explains, making a face when he says Moose's name. "Dude, they bullied me, I'm not picking them. I'm not THAT weird, jesus." Finn responds, scrunching his nose.

A few minutes later they have a pen and paper and have maped out a few of the rules and are now picking out people it cannot be. "Okay, so, Luke?" Robin suggests, glancing up form the paper to Finn.  "Bruce's ex? No." Finn replies, making a look at Robin. "Oh, shit. I forgot they dated, yeah nevermind." "Okay, uhhh, anyone you're uncomfortable with it being?" Robin asks "Not at the moment, we can always add to it later." Finn replies, grabbing the paper and pen and setting it on Robin's night stand.

"Did you have someone, like, in mind? Orrr?" Robin asks, making a hand gesture to urge Finney on. "Well, I obviously find some people cute and all." Finn responds, subtly trying to dodge the question. "Oh, cool, me too obviously. But like who are yours?" Robin continues, not getting the hint. "Well like, y'know.." "No I don't know. Because you aren't telling me." "Like, Donna, Vance, Bruce, Vance, Donna." "I feel like you brought Bruce in there so you could bring up Donna and Vance again." Robin says, laughing slightly "No... Why would you say that.." Finn trails off, looking around the room. "U-huh. Sooo, I don't like Donna. At all, wanna know why? 'Cause she's a cunt. Uhhh, but Vance. Now that sounds like a fun time." Robin replies, clicking his tongue at the end of his last sentence. "Okay, soooo Vance?" Finn asks. "Yeah." Robin agrees. "Pizza?" "OooOo yeah." Finn agrees, getting off Robin's bed and calling the pizza place.


I wanna start my three-page apology with, I've never claimed to be funny.

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