𝟏𝟖. 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅

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I held my grip firm around the Generals arm. I held my head high and my back straightened. I am his company. His partner tonight. Even though my heart screamed for me to let go and run, my head told me to act reasonable. Make no harsh moves. And as the General told me, don't show any emotions. All eyes fell upon us when we entered the hall and the guests have stepped aside to clear the path for us. For him. They almost bowed their heads in his presence. And for a moment I felt that gust of power being by his side again. And it pushed my ego that I almost seem to forget my job and what had happened in his chambers. That Alina's lips were on his. We approached the King and the Queen, sitting in their white and golden royal sofas. As the General and I came to an halt, I greeted the royals with a slight curtsy. Next to his majesty stood the young tsarevitsch, Vasily. Slim young fella, however he did not appear very bright.

"General!" King Pyotr greeted.

"Tsar." General Kirigan bowed his head. "Moya Tsaritsa." he greeted the majesties. "I do hope you're both enjoying the festivities."

"I must confess, I'm not bored." The King declared.

"I quite like it." The Queen added in a snobby attitude. "There's always been a certain..quaintness about the Little Palace."

The Kings eyes fell upon me, as he mustered me up and down. "I see you have dressed your subject in your color." he commented in an belittling way.

I wanted to bark back. Subject? I'll show him a bloody subject. As I opened my mouth to speak, General Kirigan stopped me with just a quick look as he then turned to face the King.

"She is my partner tonight, moy tsar." he said in his low voice, as if he is letting the King know of my status. "She is tremendously skilled and has acquired a position by my side."

The King nor the Queen said a word. They mustered me from head to toe in an disgusted way but due to respect towards the General they did not dare to comment. I felt my chest tighten. Despite my rising in position I am still viewed as nothing more than a subject. I sighed, lowering my head and in the corner of my eye, I saw Alina enter.

Something is different about her appearance. Just her entering, lightened up the room, her mere presence was felt strongly in the room. And soon I saw General Kirigans gaze fall upon her, his lips slightly parted. Without looking away from her, he left me standing alone and went to her. I couldn't do anything besides feeling humiliated. Humiliated, ignored, forgotten. She is the star tonight. The main attraction. Even his main attraction.

"...you look lovely, by the way." I heard Kirigan whisper.

"You looked like you needed saving." Alina gave the royals a quick look as she diverted her gaze to him. She looked prideful. She knew her presence was felt. I can sense that. I can feel the power she radiates.

I sigh as suddenly, whooshing sounds filled the room and I see two Inferni put on a fire show. Throwing balls of fire left and right, to each other, increasing and diminishing it. Their fire show put the crowd in awe as they watched baffled and astonished by these simple tricks. Applause filled the hall and I applauded myself out of respect. Soon I felt a slight tuck on my Kefta as I looked to the side and Jordin emerged.

"Quite the show, isn't it?" she whispered, looking into the crowd, leaning closer to me.

"Quite the show indeed." I commented, knowing she has something for me as I straightened my posture and kept a straight mimic.

"I talked to Jesper. Inej and Kaz are here. He said something about a plan called lynx flush." She whispered and my head instantly shot towards her.

"Who did they send to grab Alina?" I whispered back, turning my head back into the crowd as I felt myself become nervous.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒊 // 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘 & 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑭𝑭Where stories live. Discover now