𝟐𝟓. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝑰𝑰

376 18 52

Reckless behaviour
Is looking at a man
Like he was a savior

Blind leading blind
Everything looks darker
When you close your eyes
When you close your eyes

What were we thinking?
Back at the beginning
The beginning of the end

What were we thinking?
Back at the beginning
The beginning of the end, the end

The beginning of the end

The beginning of the end

The rise and the fall
We're descending into madness
The writing's on the wall

Starting a fire
'Cause all you really wanted
Was just to watch the world burn
So watch it burn

Stomp. Another stomp. Another stomp. Leaving footprints in the deep snow the further we walk in in the woods of Chernast. This winter feels ruthless. The cold could freeze you in an instant until you become a sculptur made of ice. Aleksander and I walked shoulder to shoulder as his Oprichniki surrounded us from all sides. My cold breath forming smoke every time I exhale through my mouth. Aleksander seemed calm and collected. But his thoughts were loud, I could see it in his eyes. Our journey was long and when we would take breaks and build a little camp to rest, I would come to him, but with a matter that lays heavy on my heart and yet I couldn't say a word. The tall dark trees surrounded us as I every now and then touched their rough surface, gliding over the wood with my hand as if I'm greeting mother nature and its residents.

I remember when I approached him during our break. When as soon as he saw me wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me against him and leaned his forehead on mine. That must have been his moment of peace, cause when he exhaled and closed his eyes, he seemed as nothing more than just a human that is tired. I would let his head rest on my chest as I placed a hand on his neck as if shielding him. I sighed.

"What troubles your mind, my love?" I asked gently.

"Memories." he would whisper.

"Want to share them with me?" I asked again, holding him in my arms as my eyes wandered across the land.

I felt him move. He slowly rose his head up as he let his hands glide from around my waist to my hips, meeting my eyes. He gently caressed a red hair strand of mine behind my ear. He let out a sigh through his nose. "Some things are better left unspoken, moya lapushka." he uttered in a husky voice.

I sighed in defeat. Leaned my forehead on his and closed my eyes. The cold didn't seem to bother me as much anymore as his warmth comforted me. We would just stand there in each others arms in silence. And yet, I felt as if we both want to speak our minds but are too afraid to do so. And we wouldn't want to disturb this moment of peace that we had. This moment in which only us two existed. Where the world, the worries, the troubles faded away and it was just two lovers, standing in the snow filled woods.

He took a deep breath. "When I was a boy," he began. "my mother and I would constantly travel, trying to find a place to stay. Everyone rejected us. But my mother was smart, cunning. She would teach me everything I know today. Nagging me over and over with questions to test my wits, my observation, my strength." he recalled from his past.

I listened eagerly. Looked into his dark eyes that stared before him as he recalled those memories. "She must've seen in you a great leader." I stated.

Aleksander rolled his eyes. "Funny enough, she said that." he exhaled, meeting my eyes again. "But because of a mistake of mine...we couldn't stay." he lowered his head in regret or perhaps shame, doubt in himself.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒊 // 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘 & 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑭𝑭Where stories live. Discover now