𝟐𝟑. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕

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Can you see my scars?
Can you feel my heart?
This is all of me, for all of the world to see
So, who's it gonna be?
The one that you only need?
I gave it all, and all you gave was sweet misery
So, who's gonna save us now?
When the ashes hit the ground?
I gave it all, but all you gave was sweet misery
This is the end
My beloved friends
I'm lost in dreams
And all I know, is where I've been
Run, love
I'm the truth that you're afraid of
I'm a fever, that you made up
Just a martyr, on a bridge that's burning down

Quiet. Nothing but hearts beating in the chests of ours. And yet I couldn't silence my loud mind. I couldn't silence the loud voices inside my head, yelling and screaming a warning I cannot decipher. I cannot understand. Looked out the window of the carriage, seeing the trees passing us just waiting for the moment to come when we arrive in Os Alta and my beating heart clenches the closer we get. Are they gone? Is Alina with them? Where did they go? What did they do? I sigh. Fiddling with my ring on my finger and as I look down to it, I could swear whatever is engraved in it, it glowed in a purple light for a mere second. I tried to grab it, pulled my finger close to my face, trying to take a good look at it but nothing. It must've been just my imagination. I thought. I felt eyes placed on me and as I turned to my left, Aleksanders eyes were looking at my ring as well. Did he see it too? He locked eyes with me.

"Do you trust me?" he asked.

He asked this many times before. And my answer never really came. I don't have one. Thinking between wrong or right. Trying to figure out what goes on through his mind but I fail. Each time I think I'm somewhere close, he turns the table around in his favor. I just smiled gently.

"Why are you always asking me this?" I retorted back, acting clueless.

He took a deep breath in, looking to the side. Moved his hand gently as he placed it over mine that was resting on my lap, gently caressing it. "I ask, cause I need to know, Raven."

"Don't you trust me?" I threw in as his eyes shot up to mine. We gazed deep into each others eyes. So many questions, no genuine answers.

Suddenly we hear a sound of a throat being cleared and we remembered we were not alone in the carriage. David, the Durast, was right in front of us. Clearing our throats and adjusting ourselves in our seats we looked away awkwardly, staring out our windows on each side.

My gaze, however, wandered back at him. My gaze traced along his perfectly structured, sharp facial features. His perfectly trimmed beard that accessorized his face just right and his oh so slightly open lips. His lips look so soft, like they could sing the sweetest of melodies and they taste like honey, but sometimes..they taste bitter like poison..his imperfectly perfect complexion as if his skin is as soft as silk when you touch it. His big, strong hands covered with veins pulsing to the surface that could either crush you, break all your bones and save you from cruelties of the world and offer you safety and feel like home, sending shivers down your spine with a simple brush along your skin. And lastly, his dark, enchanting eyes that reflected pain and anger, carrying proudly like a battle armor and could pierce through your soul as if he could read you like an open book. He is perfectly imperfect and imperfectly perfect. The one that makes my heart skip beats, the one that makes my body sing, the one that calms me down like calming waters or ignites a fire that can burn entire forests. He is both. Angel and Demon.

Love made the danger in you look like safety. - milk and honey, rupi kaur

The horses neigh. The carriage makes a rough halt and I know we have arrived. The doors opened and Aleksander stepped out first, I followed right behind. David slowly got out the carriage but Aleksander looked over his shoulder before David took his last step.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝑬𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒊 // 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘 & 𝑩𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝑭𝑭Where stories live. Discover now