chapter one

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Summary:  you're a demon slayer, you are rank kinoto sent on a solo mission.
you get back to demon slayer HQ to report your mission to master Kagya Ubuyashki. you're injured and walking back could take all day but as you get back you walk into the demon slayer HQ gardens and you see all the hashrias having a meeting outside
You catch one of the hashria's eyes.

You know by now the demon's blood art is to make multiple clones of himself and you figured out the real one after fighting for some while you have some minor cuts and bruises. You give yourself some pep talk "keep moving don't stop, set your heart ablaze don't let up you got this" the flames around your body burn strong and brightly.
You scream out the 9th form and take that stance your master had taught you, the strong determination in your eyes burn strongly!

"Esoteric arts 9th form RENGOKU '' you have a firm grip on your nichin sword and then in a blink of a flicker, bright flames slice through the demon's neck! The demons head was cut clean off and fell to the floor he was withing in pain "ahhh it burns it burns I was so close to becoming a upper ranked moon I should of devored more humans while I had the chance this is really the end for me it's all your fault you stupid demon slayer"

You look down at the demon that's disintegrating into nothing. "You will atone for what you have done feasting on some of the innocent people in this village you vile demon!" You withdraw your nichirin sword and walk away. You take a few steps forward and then you notice your thigh is injured there's blood running down your leg.

You wince in pain grabbing your thigh with blood coating your hand. One of the villagers witnessed what happened. He ran towards you, looked mortified and saw you and your thigh shouts for the village doctor that works in the village. The resident asked some questions looking very concerned. "Are you ok miss that monster gone for good?"

You nod "your village is safe now you can sleep well in your beds without no fear with your families"
The doctor comes running with a few assistants with a stretcher and takes you to the village infirmary.
"That's quite a wound on your leg. Let's get this cleaned up! Thanks for saving the villages".
You then nod "thank you very much it's my duties that I must do to keep people safe."

The doctor cleans up your thigh and then stitches your thigh and dresses your wound. "There all cleaned up that should do it."
You smile kindly "Thank You so much  doctor your too kind many thanks for your medical care".
The doctor replied saying "oh it's the least I can do you saved our village".
You answer back "not at all it's my pleasure to help makes me feel at peace now that I know all of the village is safe".
You get up and walk "I have to go but take care doctor"
He nods" ok but take it easy on that injury."
You smile and walk slowly towards the door and set off on your journey back to demon slayer HQ to report to the master Ubuyashki with your kasugai crow perched on your shoulder.

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