chapter six

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Chapter 6 - you are my sunshine

Kyojuro Rengoku breaks the hug and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. You smile and look into his yellow and red orbs Kyojuro Rengoku returns the smile and stands up straight, moving the stool out of his way. He walks up to Shinobu and asks her some questions. "Kocho, how long will she be able to get out of bed? Will she have to stay in the infirmary for long?" Shinobu Kocho smiles calmly and teases Kyojuro "she will have to stay in the infirmary for a night but however if you want, take her to your sleeping quarters to watch over the night you are welcome to do so!" Kyojuro blushes and you blushes furiously!

She coughs "That w-ont be necessarily k-ocho San". Tengan mischievously smirks at the both of them. "Why not Rengoku? She would be a very cute cuddling bed buddy. Oh you could keep each other warm snuggling very close next to each other! You said to her you missed her dearly!" Kyojuro Rengoku turns around and his face heats up. "You heard me say that!" Tengan laughs playfully and he points to his ears. "Of course I did Acute hearing remember". Mitsuri looks at them both and she's internally squealing with her eyes wide open, at the thought of you and Kyojuro Rengoku cuddling in bed innocently yet romantically. You are way too embarrassed to speak fiddling with her sheet on her bed not daring to look at any one of them directly in the eyes. Shinobu Kocho is laughing at all of them and she walks off to her office to write up some notes.

Tengan laughs "well I am going now to see my wife's see you later Rengoku. Look after her tonight." Tengan looks back and smiles and waves.

You look flushed from Tengan's comments yet you also ponder "did he say wife's how many does Tengan San have?"

Mitsuri Kanroji looks at you "how are you feeling now? How's your thigh wound?" You look at the love hashria and then look at her hair "I am ok now I just impatient I want to get out of the infirmary to my own bed or to at least sit down on the engawa for some fresh air"

Mitsuri smiles sweetly clasping her hands together "you will get there, hey I know I will bring some wagashi that will cheer you up" you smile kindly at Mitsuri "oh but you don't have to go out your way for me! Oh by the way I really do love your hair colour and how it's styled, it's really pretty". Mitsuri had the biggest smile on her face with a light dust of pink spread on her cheeks and she dived right into you and gave you a strong hug. Kyojuro Rengoku was about to stop her because he didn't want Mitsuri to jostle you but it was too late. Yet you didn't seem to mind the painkillers must have taken full effect to completely work. Kyojuro Rengoku sighs in relief. Mitsuri sweetly spoke. "Oh you really think so? That makes me soo happy!" Your cheeks are squashed up against Mitsuri Kanroji's cheeks and you smile "oh of course i do".

Kyojuro laughs and grins "I believe you have made Kanroji's day". Mitsuri releases you from her hugging you tight. "Strangers would pass me by and make unwanted comments about my hair colour but you didn't". You frown sadly "well I believe they're all wrong they should get really know who you are." Mitsuri Kanroji tears up a little bit. You look concerned "I'm very sorry for making you cry. I didn't mean to please forgive me, I just don't like people judging a book by its cover". Kyojuro Rengoku put his hands on Mitsuri Kanroji's shoulder. He looks at you with a gentle smile "Kanroji she's very expressive with her motions being love hashira".

You nod and sigh in relief. Mitsuri smiles "it's no trouble at all I will get you some wagashi". She leaves the infirmary skipping on the way out before you protest her not to as you thought she was going out of her way leaving just you and Kyojuro on your own!

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