chapter Ten

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Chapter 10 you are my sunshine.

You open your eyes but you have your hands in front of your face, you take a deep breath. You think, "go on, remove your hands away like a bandaid, just get over it it's only Kyojuro right?!" You remove your hands away from your face! You are in deep thought not looking at Kyojuro only to look at your lap, focus on the fabric on your yukata, and try not to think about what happened earlier on. Still in deep thought only to reminisce about the past, Kyojuro shifts slightly towards you. Waving a hand Infront of your face with a slightly confused expression "Y/n are you ok?" You instantly snap out of thought and look directly at his face and immediately shift back slightly, you were a little too close. Kyojuro's nose was almost touching yours! You respond slowly "sorry Kyojuro" he sits down on his futon slightly infatuated towards you but just chuckles. "Daydreaming,were we there, or thinking about something?"

You swallow nervously "well I was thinking about the things that happened in the past when we grew up together, I am forever in Shinjuro, your father's debit and Ruka your mother's too! Rest her soul!" you have a sad expression on your face! You take a deep breath and exhale slowly."I often visit your mother's grave. She taught me so much about how to cook and clean everything. Your father trained me how to use the nichirin sword with everything he knew and the flame breathing techniques! I am grateful for my birth parents. I miss them and my mind often wanders to thoughts of why I was the soul survivor! You clench your fists. Kyojuro wraps his hand around your first, you loosen your hand, he takes a hold of it gently. "I try not to think what would've happened if your father never came to rescue me. I was so unsure what was gonna happen next! I..I was so scared back then".

You tremble in fear and you're about to speak again but Kyojuro wraps an arm around you, and his other around your head! "Hey now you're trembling, come on I got you!" He softly speaks. Y/n my parents were and still are happy to have taken you in, my mother and father said that you are no bother at all. I know it took some time for you to heal wounds in your soul, and I know that my younger brother Senjuro cherishes you. I am so proud of you y/n how far you have come, don't ever consider yourself a burden to myself or the Rengoku family!"

The words that came from his mouth struck deep, it didn't hurt, it was just heartfelt. The words you just wanted to hear were soothing to your soul and you gradually stopped trembling. You respond "I never thought I would pick up the blade and become a demon slayer! Even so, to use the flame breathing techniques the same as you and your father. Yet I am also very proud you became the flame hashria the flame haroi suits you well". Kyojuro beams and his grip tightens your face,pressed firmly on the top of his chest! "thankyou so much my dear y/n, such kind words." You try to get out of his strong grip, "hey little too tight there Kyo, can you loosen your grip?" He realises the position of where your head is, and the way you shorten his name he likes it hoping you call him that again sometime soon and more often. Immediately a tint of dusty pink spreads across his cheeks, and relaxes his tight grip. "My apologies y/n I didn't mean to umm."Kyojuro fumbles over his words, You explain "it's ok Kyo and I am thankful for you to lend an ear about my woes and troubled thoughts." He boomed and he heard his name shortened again he proudly smiles "anytime".

Kyojuro quizzes you. By the way, what's your rank now? You look at your hand "show me my rank." A mark appears on the front of your hand, Kyojuro grabs your wrist and is stunned. "Rank kinoto! I see what amazing woman you have become so strong and hard working". He lets go of your wrist, and you look away and hide your blush. You stutter "n-ot as strong as y-ou!" He answers "oh come on now, you should be proud, I love to spar with you in the dojo when you're fit and well to do so again for old times. We could learn from each other. Let's train together till the sun goes down!" You lift your head and grin, "that's not a bad idea, would it be possible for you to do my rehabilitation training with me?" He puts his hand under his chin and hums "yes I love to that means i will know if your pushing your body too hard rest is also important. Something you need to learn to do!" He playfully smiles. You nod "yeah I know but when I get into it I lose track of time and then just like that it's sundown!" He sighs "that's what you need to work on to take breaks when training." You look at him slightly nervous. "Ok I will learn to rest in between training even if you have to keep drilling it in my mind, I will drink water to stay hydrated and eat lunch." He grins mischievously "good girl!" You immediately get flustered and unable to speak.

It gets rather late into the night,

You yawn and begin to feel your eyes get heavy, his calloused finger holds your chin and lifts it up your head. He looks at you for a moment and softly smiles, "are we feeling tired my y/n, it has been a very eventful day, shall we go to bed and sleep?" Your ears weren't deceiving you heard right he called you his y/n! But then you think he was just being affectionate! Maybe he wants you to feel comfortable in his sleeping quarters in his large futon right?! You hum in response, "I have had a very eventful day, missions after missions not being able to see you for a long time, I am just happy to see you again! I.." Kyojuro gazes at you "Indeed I agree too. Don't fret now I am not going anywhere!" He boops your nose gently, "But you my y/n need your sleep, it's getting late! Let me help you get comfortable for the night! You protest "I think I can manage to.. '' he interrupts "hey now, come on just relax!" You surender "ok you win" He smiles "good" he lifts you up and helps you lay down on his futon, "are you feeling comfortable?" You yawn "yeah".

He grabs the blanket and covers you up with it. As you gradually fall asleep it's impossible to keep your eyes open, Kyojuro takes a look at your sleeping form. Watching your chest rise and lower in rhythm. He's stroking your hair tenderly in deep thought, "she really does look rather cute sleeping." A deep blush creeps on his face spreading to the tips of his ears! He tries to shake the thought out of his mind. But the thought doesn't disappear! He ponders deeper, "am I really falling in love?" Kyojuro shift's and lays down next to you, trying not to wake you up. He respectfully gives you some space between you both, covering himself up with the blanket. He's getting tired and he yawns. He takes one more look at your sleeping face, he leans forward to kiss you on the top of your head! Kyojuro smiles blissfully, he whispers "good night my y/n." He lays back down on the futon and slowly drifts off into a peaceful sleep.

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