Chapter seven

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Chapter 7 you are my sunshine

Your stomach growls, you look at your stomach, and let off a nervous laugh. Kyojuro looks at you with his hand under his chin "are you hungry when was the last time you ate?" She lets out that nervous laugh " I- umm well two days ago on walking back on my mission I ate a salmon onigiri." Kyojuro laughs " it's no wonder you're hungry, you only ate one salmon onigiri. What would you like to eat? I am sure I can get Aoi to make something".

You ponder thinking about something to eat. "Umm grilled salmon or Miso soup". Kyojuro frowns, "All you want is a piece of grilled salmon or Miso soup? You have to have something more than that you need to eat well!" You giggle "well not everyone has a healthy appetite like you Kyojuro! "He sits back on the stool next to you, he smiles and laughs loudly. "Well then at least have something better to eat that's gonna fill you up.

How about sweet potato rice with udon and I get your favourite strawberries". Her face lights up and smiles cheerfully "wow Kyojuro I am glad you still remember my favourite fruit!" He puts a hand on her arm."How can I forget you would eat a whole carton of them given the chance!" You mischievously smirk. "Coming from you who eats lots of sweet potatoes you would eat a sack of sweet potatoes given the chance!" He burst into laughter "well played y/n,well played".

Aoi walks in asking if you wanted food Kyojuro speaks up and replies "two meals for us I have mine with y/n, sweet potato rice and udon but can we get strawberries for the lady who is resting?" Aoi nods silently "I get to it right away it's good to see you are awake y/n and sitting up". You smile apologetically "thanks Aoi your a blessing" Aoi checked on your thigh wound " it healing quite nicely I will get Kocho to change the dressing later in the evening but don't get up yet stay in bed I know how inpatient you are and eager to get back on your feet. You need some rehabilitation training too". Aoi walks off to go repair lunch. She sure is sharp but straight to the point but has a kind spirit, I can see that in her" you remarked. Kyojuro nods "indeed."

She queried Kyojuro "I mean to ask you something. Does Uzui Tengan have three wife's or was he having me on?" Kyojuro confirmed her question "yes he does." She's shocked "too many wife's greedy in my opinion". Kyojuro just chortles and then Aoi brings in lunch. You are thrilled at the sight and the smell of food Aoi brings out on the tray. You look at the food" thanks again Aoi you're too kind." Aoi Assured and left you and Kyojuro to eat your food together.

He picks up the chopsticks and slurps the udon noodles he sees some meat in the udon picks it up with his chopsticks that have been in his mouth and randomly shoves meat in your mouth giving you an innocent indirect kiss. Kyojuro smiles " it's tasty isn't it"? You are too embarrassed and shift your glance at your food to state anything that has happened and pick up your own chopsticks and eat delicately. Kyojuro queried "you ok y/n you're looking a little flushed!?" She immediately shakes her head and makes up an excuse "I- am ok Kyojuro the food is great, it's tasty as you have been saying after eating a bite. I really miss hearing you shout that!" Kyojuro shouts "TASTY" and you return to your food and eat delicately.

You both leave your trays and empty bows stacked up neatly, you feel rather full! Shinobu Kocho walks in the infirmary "I see you had some food that's great I am gonna change your dressing." You nod quietly, swallowing nervously knowing it might hurt you. Since Shinobu gave you some pain relief you think it might not be as painful as you think. Shinobu pulls the sheets back that covers your legs exposing your thigh, Kyojuro looks at her legs and immediately blushes. Shinobu teases him "what's the matter Rengoku it's like you have never seen her legs before!" You on the other hand try to hide your blush with your hands over your face." Shinobu laughs playfully at the look of your reactions and proceeds to cleanse your wound up on your thigh, surprisingly it only stings a little bit as the iodine is dabbed over the wound with a cotton swab, so you only wince very slightly. She then wraps your thigh up in clean bandage with her medical experience.

Shinobu Kocho smiles calmly, "all done till tomorrow afternoon y/n you can rest easy for the night here some more pain relief to take."You take the pain relief with some green tea and honey. Shinobu asks Kyojuro Rengoku a query "so will you be take y/n in her sleeping quarters or is she staying at yours? You have to carry her. She won't be able to walk on her legs till tomorrow evening, and only then she needs to take it easy for a few days!" You look gobsmacked not just because of Shinobu's idea but the fact you won't be up and about for rehabilitation training for a few more days. You pout your lip "a few more days!" Kyojuro Rengoku looks at her still slightly blushing with a tint of pink across his cheeks. He pats her head, "you will just have to be patient y/n!" You sigh knowing he's right. Shinobu Kocho continues persuading Kyojuro "she will be able to heal up better in your company instead of being alone in the infirmary for a few nights. So Rengoku what do you say?"

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