chapter twelve

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Chapter twelve you are my sunshine 

You raise your eyebrow "yes you're not gonna make me eat that stinky natto". There's a lot of tension in the room, not the kind where you can cut the air with a life but Kyojuro was feeling rather playful. Was it the flirty kind of just him having a sense of humour? You weren't sure so you thought you rest the waters a little bit. You pass a little remark "you know kyo you shouldn't play with your food!" He almost spits the natto out from the cheeky remark you made and his name being shortened and his heart is set ablaze in his chest! Shinobu just laughs and continues to listen to the conversation over breakfast while drinking green tea.

Mitsuri looks at Kyojuro and knows exactly what's going on. She's never seen him like this; it's like he's under a spell or something! Mitsuri is getting stirred up. She knows that he's in love with her and you're in love with him. The tell tale signs and signals are developing strongly! Tengan however is a little astounded, yet a smirk is slowly creeping across his lips! Kyojuro picks up some of the natto in his mouth and eats it. "See it's not that bad y/n!" You scrunch your nose "it is ugh yuck..". Kyojuro picks up some more natto on his chopsticks trying to prove you wrong, and shoves the natto directly straight in your mouth! Mitsuri gasps as she ponders "that's an indirect kiss for sure!" Across the table Tengan is grinning from ear to ear!

You however have the fermented soya beans in your mouth! Ever since you first tasted natto as a child, you never liked the texture, the taste or the smell you couldn't tolerate it! And now you have the fermented soybeans in your mouth, also possibly Kyojuros saliva! He's definitely amused with the bold move he did himself, Kyojuro is grinning playfully! Your face is crimson red just as bright tips of his hair. You chew the natto and swallow it quickly expecting the same experience you had when you first tried natto. You shudder in an instant as the food slides down your gullet! 

You have a slight aftertaste but it's not as bad as you thought! Aoi must have put something in with the natto to make it more palatable on the tongue!

 "Kyo, it's not as bad as I thought I.." he does it again, and feeds you the natto with his chopsticks without any warning. Another indirect kiss! "Hey I have my own chopsticks and I can manage to feed myself, flame hashria!" He grins mischievously "aww come on let me feed you!" 

You are a flustered mess "I..umm Kyo". Mitsuri Kanroji can't take it anymore, she is bouncing and Tengan is enjoying watching you getting flustered by his best friend feeding you! Kyojuro leans in closer to you "have you had enough, are you feeling full?" 

You nod "y-eah". Kyojuro beams "wonderful, not as bad as you used to think, my sunshine!" Your heart is pounding in your chest now he's calling you his sunshine?! Mitsuri lets out a squeal! She can not contain herself. You get nervous and you stand up but Kyojuro grabs your finger tips. "Where are you going y/n, are you ok?" You look at him straight in his face still blushing "I am going to have a wash I need to freshen up" Kyojuro stands up "I will help you.." before Kyojuro finished talking, Tengan interrupts he wolf whistles at the both of you "are going to strip her naked and wash her body Rengoku?" Kyojuro's cheeks rapidly burn! "Why don't you join her? She can wash your naked body!" 

Gyomei Himejima scolds Tengan "Uzui Tengan I don't think Rengoku has any unmannerly intentions for that particular way!" Tengen looks stunned and stops teasing the both of you, looking like he's been told off by his father.

Both of you walked out of the room where you sat to eat, both of you are a flustered mess! You and Kyojuro walk down to your sleeping quarters and you go to shut the door behind you. You pace around to gather some soaps for your wash your skin and your hair. You've been longing for a wash, some simple yet also essential pleasures you intend to enjoy.

Kyojuro grabs a hold of your wrist and you yelp not expecting him to do so. "My apologies, my sunshine for Tengan's explicit behaviour!" Kyojuro pulls you closer to hug you, wrapping his large hand around your head and then wraps his other hand around the small of your back and pulls you closer causing you to lean your head on his chest unintentionally. You can hear Kyojuro's heartbeat pounding in his chest "kyo you shouldn't have to apologize for his behaviour! However I do have a question about why you called me your sunshine?" You can feel the heat radiate off his body after you quizz him, "well I can stop calling you sunshine if you want or do you much prefer my ember maybe my little flame?" 

Your heart is pounding in your chest! You stumble over your words "kyo..juro is the s..s.. something you want to say?" Kyojuro takes a deep breath, his face looks at you with a serious look, you slightly panic and then his face changes softly! "Please forgive me if I come on too strong, please sit down for a moment with me won't you?" You silently nod and sit next to Kyojuro unsure what he wants to say, you fiddle with your sleeve he instantly notices. He pulls you on his lap only to try and calm you down!  you are tense, very uncertain of having no idea what he's going to do or say! "Come now don't fret I won't won't hurt you!" 

You start to relax as he strokes your hair. "Well then the thing is we mostly grew up together right?" You nod "yes indeed we did." Kyojuro clears his throat and continues to speak, "so you know me most of my life and I know you well too". You listen closely to what he wants to say, he sighs "I never thought of you as a sister and, I know you feel that you never thought of me as a brother!" You nod to confirm his explanation but stay silent. He blushes intensively "l…have fallen deeply in love with you y/n, i am more than infatuated towards you, will you be mine?"

 You look at Kyojuro your blushing furiously and open your mouth but no sound comes out, your stunned at his confession! You ponder for a small moment trying to wrap it around in your mind what he has said. Kyojuro thinks he's overstepped the mark and looks incredibly troubled. You snap out of your thoughts and look at Kyojuro you gingerly lift a hand to his cheek. You are barely audible but it was just enough for Kyojuro to hear it, your head is nodding,"yes I will be yours I.. you too Kyo." His mood instantly changes, he's feeling ecstatic, pulling you closer to him on his lap. "My goodness, I thought I overstepped the mark then".

 You smile sweetly "no of course not kyo". Hearing her say that makes him elated. "May I kiss you?" You giggle " you don't have to ask my permission to kiss me." He wastes no time. He's been aching to kiss you for a while, lounging to confess his feelings to you. He wanted to choose a perfect moment, but he couldn't wait any longer. He is so needy he wants his greedy lips on yours. He leans forward towards you, he cups both of your cheeks and kisses you softly, he deepens the kiss and slightly moans. Using his tongue to gain entry to the inside of your mouth, you slightly open your mouth enough for him to slide his tongue. Both tongues dancing together, you moan ever so quietly. You both break away from the kiss for air, after what you felt was a few moments!

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