chapter thirteen

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Chapter 13 you are my sunshine

You look at Kyojuro he's looking giddy you let out a little giggle, "kyo you should be training in the dojo now!" You get off his lap and he stands up, "oh yes of course I got lost in the moment then!" He quickly walks off to his sleeping quarters and changes into his hashria uniform with his haroi, he then rushes back to your sleeping quarters trying not to waste any more of the day. You're about to pick up the things you need to bathe and Kyojuro stops you. "Let me carry your hinoki bath bucket with your soaps for the bath and I will be on my way to the dojo. Will that be ok with you my dear?"
You respond "yes of course as long as it's no trouble at all, I don't want to interrupt your training." He laughs enthusiastically "did you forget that i wanted to help you? Also you're not holding me back." You lift your hands up in defeat "okay okay you win kyo!" He picks up the basket "good now let's go to the bath's to clean yourself up and relax in there it will help, take as long as you need."

You and Kyojuro walk to the bath's and Mitsuri walks around the corner and she spots the both of you "y/n and Rengoku are you ok? Tengan did go a bit too far!" Kyojuro smiles "better than ever Kanroji, I will talk to you short while I am just taking y/n to the bath's. Well I mean if I am just carrying her soaps in the hinoki to the bath's then I am training. We Could spare together if you want?" Mitsuri smiles "of course Rengoku I love too". You smile sweetly "aww look at you too like brothers and sisters". Mitsuri agrees with you "yes he's dotes on me like a big brother I was once his tusgoku! It was hard work Senjuro had to persuade Rengoku to let me take breaks!" You nod in agreement "I can see that to be exact! The "Rengoku training" can be enduring and difficult! I am very shocked you didn't run away!" You both giggle in Union.

You open the door to the bath's longing for a soak, the bath is already full and steaming hot. You're tilt your head looking perplexed. Mitsuri surveyed your baffled expression "Aoi drew the bath not long ago, Shinobu Kocho requested it when you said you were going for one at breakfast." You exhale slowly, "I tell you Aoi is a credit to the corps. She has a good heart even though she is stern but she does care for every one of us, cooking for us and attending to our wounds. Doing all that washing, we would have dirty linen and clothes if it wasn't for Aoi. She's a clever young lady. Not forgetting the butterfly girls, they go out of their way working hard." Kyojuro cheerfully smiles "oh sunflower you always look at people in such a positive way your very warm hearted!" You gaze at the floor feeling bashful however Mitsuri catches on, she got you both figured out but she waits to hear it from her former mentor and friend. You lift your head up and glance at Kyojuro and Mitsuri, "go on I can take it from here go do your training I will be ok."

They both nod and walk away chatting, Mitsuri walking in front. Kyojuro turns his head around to look at you to see you waving them off he grins and winks at you. You spontaneously blush and cover your face with your hands. Kyojuro grins playfully and turns around heading to the dojo. You close the door to the bath's and take off your yukata, placing it to one side, looking at the steam from the hot temperature's of the water and you smell the aroma of the minerals and the salts that Aoi mixed in the baths. Before you go and bathe you sit down on a stool, and wash your body before getting in the bath you rise off the suds of your body feeling rather better and much cleaner!
You dip the tips of your toes to test the water's temperature hoping it will be hot, you sigh in relief it's a suitable temperature just the way you like it. You emerge your body down to your shoulders enjoying the hot water soaking your aching muscles. You've been longing to bathe ever since limping back from your mission. It couldn't be helped, there was no choice because of your deep injury. After soaking for at least five minutes you feel all the tension draw away, the salts and minerals have healing properties and you feel less fatigued and more relaxed. "Just what a girl needs right!" You say to yourself!

Kyojuro and Mitsuri are sparing outdoors, the weather seems to have clear blue skies. The wisteria in the garden slowly swaying in the gentle breeze, cicadas are chirping loudly in the trees. Kyojuro and Mitsuri take off their haroi's and set them down on the engawa neatly. They are using the training swords provided matching up to one another with the wood clanging together over and over again. Going over the basics is always good to do even when you're a true expert in swordsmanship. It gives a great refresher and it's also always encouraging to see how far you have grown! Over a little of an hour of training Mitsuri stops to take a breather and she leans the training sword up against the wall. "I need a little break" Kyojuro looks at her "what now all ready Kanroji but we barely just began to train?!"

Mitsuri pleaded for a break even if it's 10 minutes Kyojuro gives in "okay then let's get some water!" They sit down on the engawa drinking fresh cool water, Mitsuri quizzes her old mentor Kyojuro "so Rengoku you said you had something to discuss, do you mind sharing it with me now?" Kyojuro smiles "ah yes of course, well as you may have figured it out I confess my feelings romantically to y/n and now we are courting one another!" Mitsuri instantaneously plunges her body in the air. She's feeling rather ecstatic "yay I knew it I am just so happy, you both make an adorable couple!" Kyojuro lightly laughs "Thankyou Kanroji I just got to tell my father and my younger brother Senjuro, you are the first person to know, you're the love hashira of course you definitely would have known without me telling you!" She giggles "I knew it would happen soon if not then later". Kyojuro nods "let's continue to train, come on let's keep going till the sun goes down!" Mitsuri answers back "yes and breaks in between too". Kyojuro stands up "ok Kanroji that's all ok".

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