chapter nine

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Chapter 9 you are my sunshine

Mitsuri Kanroji walks into demon slayer HQ with a box of wagashi and some other things she purchased from different stalls that caught her eye. She takes off her sandals and walks towards her sleeping quarters, She spots Kyojuro Rengoku outside his sleeping quarters. "ohh Rengoku, how is y/n is she still in the infirmary? I got her some wagashi and I kinda got carried away with the stalls". Rengoku smiles and laughs "I see well I am glad you had a great time, y/n is doing ok she's not in the infirmary and she will be allowed to to walk tomorrow". Mitsuri looks puzzled " so where is she then? Is she in her room, oh I go and knock on her door". Kyojuro stops her "wait she's not in her room she' mine for tonight I umm taking care of her she be alone in the infirmary so I am gonna keep her company, it was Kocho's idea and me and y/n made a mutual agreement that it was to be so".

Mitsuri gets thrilled "ohh Rengoku that's great! Is she asleep?" Kyojuro shakes his head "she's just getting undressed in her yukata". Mitsuri smiles sweetly " I will just wait here if that's ok?" Kyojuro nods "of course Kanroji it's no trouble at all".

You in the meantime look around Kyojuro's sleeping quarters. You find your favourite yukata and begin to slowly undress. You strip down to your underwear and grimace at your thigh pressing your lips together making a thin line. You ponder, hoping you will be able to walk tomorrow morning without Kyojuro picking you up. You don't want to keep burdening him with such silly tasks,he has better things to do than to be your personal chauffeur. You knew that he didn't mind but you just felt like you're holding him back he could have been training in the dojo or going on a mission. You start to feel extremely guilty, and tears threaten to form in your eyes. You take in a deep breath to hold back the tears from developing. You pull the fabric of your yukata over your body and wrap it around comfortably enough to sleep in and then grab a hold of the obi belt and neatly tie it around you.

You pull the tie out of your hair letting the hair length fall down freely. You take a moment to look in the mirror to see if you're decent enough for Kyojuro to come back in. You shout enough for Kyojuro to hear "I am done changing." He opens the door and smiles but his face expression changes worryingly "y/n what's wrong are you ok? Why are you upset?" Mitsuri pokes her head around the corner and immediately rushes to your side. "What's wrong y/n are you in pain?" You shake your head and look down at the floor "I am sorry Kyojuro you have to take care of me, you could have been training or going on a mission".

He walks into his sleeping quarters, closes the door and his face softens. "You're very important to me my dear Y/n I couldn't abandon you". He walks towards you slowly grabbing your chin to lift it up so you have no choice but to meet his golden flame eyes. He cups your cheeks and wipes the tears with his thumb softly and embraces you with a hug he waves Mitsuri to come and join in she immediately wastes no time to give you a hug. She speaks softly "he really does mean it y/n, he really does want to take care. I am sorry it took so long to get you some wagashi, I hope it cheers you up". Mitsuri hands over the wagashi. It was wrapped in pretty pink paper with a sakura pattern. You take the wagashi and open the wrapped box carefully.

You almost lose your balance but Kyojuro catches you in time just before you fall over and he grabs a hold of you up and he sits you down on his lap innocently. "Careful y/n." You blush intensively holding the box of wagashi firmly in your hand. Mitsuri looks ecstatic on how cute you look sitting on his lap. You blink rapidly for a few seconds, distract yourself and open the box of wagashi. You see all the beautiful pastel colours that are hand decorated in the shape of flowers. You smile sweetly with the box on your knee "oh Mitsuri Kanroji they all look so beautiful, the chrysanthemum sakura and the wisteria they all look amazing, Thankyou Kanroji this is very thoughtful I must share them with you tomorrow evening and you too Kyojuro if that's ok?"

Mitsuri looks delighted "yes of course I look forward to it after my training. I am going to go to sleep now so I will see you tomorrow evening y/n." Mitsuri walks out of Kyojuro's room, closing the door quietly leaving the two of you alone while still sitting on his lap. You close the box, place it on the floor and make an attempt to get off his lap but fails. He stops you from getting up by wrapping an arm around your waist! "Nope you're not getting up on your own like that let me help you!" You nervously swallow you stutter "oh ah ... alright" Kyojuro shift slightly then picks you up, gently sets you down on his futon.

He walks across his sleeping quarters, and opens his draws he pulls out his navy blue plain yukata and a thin black obi belt. He takes off his haroi and folds it nearly away. He unties the small ponytail out of his flame-like hair. He starts to unbutton the top of his uniform and you look away quickly "I should be outside your quarters when you're unchanging, you did when I was changing." He turns around with the buttons of the shirts undone, you look up quickly and catch a glimpse of his toned body and his pectorals. You mentally gasp, you haven't seen his body this chiselled ever! He blinks "You don't have to leave the room." He takes off his sleeves and you see his muscular arms. You think, he must do alot of training and working out to get to this physique! "I-umm will close and cover my eyes then." He smiles and closes his eyes "very well then."

You close your eyes and cover your face, he continues to get undressed but you can hear him getting undressed. The metal on the white belt comes off with a rattling noise and then the friction sound of him pulling off his trousers. You can hear the zipper on his trousers and you can not stop your heart from pounding in your chest. You vision some lewd thoughts that flow through your mind you mentaly scold yourself! His trousers drop to the floor and you part your mouth ever so slightly. You know he's only wearing his fundoshi and you swallow nervously. Is he doing this on purpose to grab my attention in that particular way or is he doing this innocently just getting undressed? You're very uncertain and too ashamed to ask so you don't question him about it. You can hear the fabric of his yukata slip on his arms and wrap around his toned body loosely around his chest. He ties the thin obi belt tight enough for it not to come undone. He whispers "you can open your eyes now!"

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