chapter eight

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Chapter 8 you are my sunshine

You look at Shinobu Kocho with rouge cheeks and she just smiles calmly. "Would you rather be bored on your own alone in the infirmary? I know Rengoku will take great care of you. I saw it for myself, so why not at least you will have someone to talk to and you don't need any dressing for that wound on your thigh till tomorrow, and then you can get up and walk the next day only if you take it easy." You ponder a little bit, do I really wanna be bored on my own with nothing to do? You Kyojuro most of your childhood but we are adults now! You know he won't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable! But then again it's not my place to say yes it's his personal sleeping quarters! You conclude it's not really up to me is it?

Kyojuro Rengoku responds "ok ok Kocho I must admit I don't want her to be bored and alone in the infirmary I just don't want her to feel uncomfortable in my sleeping quarters. But as long as she's ok with staying in my sleeping quarters then I am ok with it."

You're astounded "Kyojuro, are you sure this is your personal sleeping quarters? I don't want to intrude on your space if you don't want me to sleep there I understand!" Kyojuro expressed his signature smile, "I have no problems with it as long as you're comfortable with this?" You approve, "ok then yes I accept your offer! It's getting late anyway and I need to change into a yukata." Shinobu Kocho spoke up. "I will get Aoi to get you one from your room, she will bring it to Rengoku's room. If you need anything else, Rengoku can get it for you." You agree and nod. Kyojuro Rengoku asks if you want to leave now and you swallow hard and agree. "Ready when you are!"

He gets up from the stool and puts it back in its place where he found it. He walks towards you leaning over you, and you then bend your knees for him to pick you up from under your legs and then uses his other arm to support your back. He lifts you up in his arms! You look a little nervous, but when Kyojuro steps forward you relax. Shinobu bids you both a goodnight sleep and you thank her for taking care of you. Kyojuro Rengoku walks across the garden slowly taking his time only because he didn't want to jostle you. One of the triplet's spots you both! "Are you feeling better y/n?" You smile kindly "oh I am much better thank you for asking I be up and walking about tomorrow but I have to take it easy! Shinobu Kocho orders and can you get the gate for us please? I am going back to demon slayer HQ." She nods and waves "ok y/n get better soon".

Kyojuro Rengoku carries you through the gate and walks up the path. It's a small 10 min walk and he takes it slow and steady, "we should be there soon y/n not long now." You nod quietly and you're happy to be out in the fresh air even if it means Kyojuro Rengoku is carrying you. You can hear the cicadas chirping in the trees, owls hooting somewhere in the distance and the sound of Kyojuro feet crunching the dirt on the path as he walks towards HQ. You both finally get there. Kyojuro requests "I need you to put your arms around my shoulders while I open the gate". You nod and wrap your hands around his shoulders gently "okay then but you could have asked me to open the gate I have free hands". He looks at you smiling "oh of course why didn't I think of that!" You look at him and giggle lightly "perhaps you're just tired it has been a long day". He booms "nonsense i am willing to help you out anyway I can y/n". You tilt your head "well thanks kyojuro". Just as you're about to open the gate to HQ, Giyu Tomioka opens it! "Ah Rengoku what a surprise and y/n it's good to see you are getting well. I am just going on a solo mission" You smile. Thank you for your well wishes Tomioka,I wish you all the best on your journey please be safe". Giyu Tomioka nods silently "thankyou" and then he departs quickly into the distance.

You look at Kyojuro " a man of a few words huh!" Kyojuro looks at you "indeed he's always like that but he's a good guy, hard working too". He then walks through the gate and with your free hands you close the gate. Uzui Tengan is in the garden. You spot him and roll your eyes knowing exactly what he's gonna say he spots the both of you and Kyojuro walks up to him. Uzui grins "so miss y/n how are you feeling?" You ponder I got that wrong he wasn't going to tease us! You look puzzled. "I'm doing a lot better and will be able to do a little bit of walking tomorrow and then I can do some rehabilitation training after that." Uzui nods "that's a good girl glad to see you're ok!" You bite your tongue when he calls you a good girl! However, Uzui's facial expression changes when he looks at his best friend Rengoku,

Uzui smirks mischievously! Your intuition was correct, you knew something that's gonna be mentioned after all it's Uzui Tengan! "So Rengoku what are you doing with your cute cuddling bed buddy eh? Did you make your mind up? Are you sleeping with her tonight because it seems to me that you are! And what are you gonna sleep in just your fundoshi!?" You immediately feel really flustered looking into the distance not making any eye contact with the both of them. However Kyojuro's face was crimson red, getting brighter and brighter! "Well Shinobu Kocho suggests she should heal up better in company instead of being alone in the infirmary for a night. She and I had a reasonable chat and we both agreed that I will keep her company in my sleeping quarters, nothing else and no I will not just be wearing my fundoshi Tengan, she is a lady and I have the utmost respect for her! I am a gentleman and that's what I will be towards her tonight is a gentleman". Uzui and you both are flabbergasted!

Uzui nods "well goodnight to the both of you." You open your mouth and look at Uzui "goodnight Tengan and to your three wife's". Uzui smiles and yawns,he walks back to his wives in his home. Rengoku's face seems to be less red, just a slight tint of pink across his cheeks. He continues to proceed to walk towards the engawa. He takes office sandals, he sees Aoi "ah Aoi did you get y/n's yukata?" Aoi nods silently "her yukata is on the futon ready for her, do you require any more of my assistance Rengoku?" He nods, "one small thing can you open the door to my sleeping quarters please, that's all I ask of you, that will be all thankyou for your assistance". Aoi walks off "goodnight Rengoku and y/n". Kyojuro gently places you on his futon. He smiles "I will let you get changed into your yukata, I close the door and wait outside my door let me know when you're done and then I can change".

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