chapter seventeen

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 Chapter 17 you are my sunshine

With fluff and lots of smutty teasing from kyo, Minors don't react 

Innocently tucking your arms under your breasts, hauling them up, making them bigger, pouting your lips, Kyojuro is finding it very troublesome to resist himself from getting stimulated by your actions. You take a deep breath and try to calm down "fine then until I get another uniform this will have to do!" Kyojuro prompts you out of your room and laces your fingers in his. 

You walk down the hall feeling a little self-conscious, Uzui walks by and sees the both of you, knowing that he's gonna tease the both of you so you brace yourself. "Don't even bother saying a single word Tengan, this isn't the type of uniform I prefer to wear!" Uzui smirks "I can tell you're not impressed, but Rengoku doesn't seem to mind the perspective, besides if you got it flaunt it!" Slight dust of pink spreads across your cheeks, and Kyojuro squeezes your hand to console you. You lift your head and glance at his hooded eyes. "Kyo are you ok?" He snaps out of thought "yes I am ok, Tengan my friend I will see you later!" He walks off and you follow behind.

The fresh morning breeze taluses your hair, and you inhale the crisp air trying to steady your nerves. You do some light stretching with Kyojuro to warm up the muscles to impede any unwarranted injuries. Kyojuro grabs you a training sword he's always wanted to see how much you have progressed he's anticipated to see how your mood changes in the heat of battle, since your usual behaviour is gentle and mild. You thank Kyojuro and grip the wooden sword, with a flash of recollections of how you and Kyojuro used to be Shinjuro Rengoku's Tusgoku. It was difficult to work but Shinjuro was a little softer with you than his sons. 

Now that Kyojuro is an adult himself, his flame-like blonde locks having vibrant portions of red mixed in his signature hair, his golden and crimson orbs just like his father and younger brother Senjuro, you simply adore that kid yet his character is timid yet thoughtful. 

The Rengoku males have all had the same eyes and hair for many generations that you don't know how long. You understand that Ruka Rengoku goes through a ritual of staring at the flame on a candle for hours without end during pregnancy called kankagari! You recollected knowing how she was wise and gentle yet graceful, opposite to Shinjuro with his noisy personality, much like how Kyojuro is yet you recognize that Kyojuro may have the look of his origin but he acts kind and caring that has a lot of his mother's perspective.

You swing the wooden sword in the orientations of the nine flame breathing techniques. Your skills are not quite up to the standard that Kyojuro would want you to be, he's the flame hashria after all. He caught sight of your lacking in the 9th form the esoteric arts stance, walking up near towards you he takes an opening to rectify you, also he's struggling to ignore the slight erection in his trousers, but seeing your buttocks and your smooth legs move around in the short skirt is clouding his mind as well. You weren't quite aware of how he was feeling only to consolidate on training and swerving your wooden sword.

When he reaches, you pause to take a second, Kyojuro press his chest on your back while encircling his arms around the sides of your ribs reaching out to put his hand over yours to guide you on how the 9th form is done more to his satisfaction. "Her let me help you my little flame, your form is off just a bit". You can feel him move slightly and your face burns to feel the slight erection growing bigger grazing it against the top of your buttocks, you blink rapidly trying to concentrate, 

Kyojuro feels his uniform get uncomfortably tighter his breathing becomes etched in your ear, compelling you unfocused, you part your lips slightly to the erotic sound of his breathing, and his voice is low and sultry and whispers "focus my little flame" once he has a firm hand over yours he guides you with the training sword, he uses the other hand touching the bare skin on your exposed uniform, he's clamped firmly against him and his erection is now pressed against you firmly making you whimper slightly as he guides you to move with him to get the stance correctly. His voice was still low but getting seductive, "Good girl, yes just like that!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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