chapter five

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Chapter five - you are my sunshine

Uzui Tengan, Mitsuri Kanroji and Shinobu Kocho listen with all concerned looks on their faces as Kyojuro Rengoku continues to tell her story "she always willing to help others in need she's kind and gentle a just like my younger brother Senjuro, she's a little shy around new people, but once she comes out of her shell she's this happy and determine enthusiastic and hardworking lady, she will do anything to protect the ones she loves and cares about."

Mitsuri looks like she's going to cry "what a dear sweet girl my heart breaks for her". Tengan says, "So Rengoku you haven't seen her since the final selection?" Kyojuro Rengoku shakes his head "she went to the final selection not long after I completed my final selection". Shinobu Kocho looks concerned "yet she still manages to keep pushing forward despite all that's happened to her. What an awful thing to happen to her family and herself!" Kyojuro Rengoku has a slight frown on his face? "She has been through alot yet her resolve is truly admirable".

The curtains in the wind blow gently in the spring cool breeze lightly moving the hashria's hair and her hair in the infirmary. She stirs in her sleep,her eyelids flutter open. She immediately sits up in bed panicking "I got to report to the master about my mission!" She tries to get out of bed, she pulls the covers off her legs, but Shinobu Kocho gives out strict order's to rest. "Now now y/n you must rest. You got quite a wound on your thigh, You need to stay in bed."

Shinobu Kocho hands her a cup with some pain relief "this is some medicine to help with the pain". She looks at the cup and takes the pain relief. "But I have to report my mission to the master Kagya Ubuyashki". She looks around still a little groggy and hasn't quite woken up yet.

A familiar voice speaks to her, he's not his usual loud self only to be softly spoken "Tomioka has explained to the master of your condition and your orders from the master is to rest!" She looks to where the familiar voice is speaking to her softly Kyojuro Rengoku looks at her "don't work yourself up like that it would only open your wounds" she blinks rapidly a few times not quite registering Kyojuro Rengoku is speaking to her it's not very often Kyojuro Rengoku speaks sofly. Shinobu Kocho smiles at her "he's right you know he carried you all the way to the infirmary you passed out from that wound".

She blushes slightly "Kyojuro I am sorry I should of been less reckless, but the demon had a demon blood art where he could make duplicate of himself and they all had the same strength as the original thing i had to locate the original demon!" Kyojuro Rengoku looks at her and smiles kindly "I am just so happy you are right in front of me and haven't seen you since I left for final selection. I have missed you dearly, we have a lot of catching up to do!"

She nods about to speak but as Kyojuro Rengoku likes to talk he continues. "So where are you staying?" She looks at Kyojuro Rengoku " I am in the demon slayer HQ I have one of the sleeping quarters there!" Kyojuro Rengoku smiles his usual bright smile "wonderful I will get to see you more often like old times that makes me so happy I too also have a chamber in the HQ!" She looks surprised "you do?" Kyojuro grins "yes I do". She then relaxes as the pain relief seems to be working quite well as Shinobu Kocho expects she's in less pain. Y/n continues to speak,

"Indeed it has been far too long since we saw each other face to face. I just wished it would be in better circumstances".

Kyojuro Rengoku shakes his head "I am just pleased to see you and now I know you're in very capable hands of the expert Kocho and Aoi I am most certainly now know you will be making a full recovery".

Kyojuro Rengoku stands up from the stool he leans over to give her a gentle hug trying not to jostle her. He whispers in her ear but as Uzui Tengan has acute hearing he knows what Kyojuro Rengoku has said to her "I just really have missed you terribly!"

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