chapter two

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Chapter two.

You are slowly plodding along with your leg injury wincing in pain. You take a break in the late morning and you have been walking for 4 hours. You perch yourself on a large rock, you spot a small spring, you walk towards it and take a small sip "oh that's good it's drinking water." Gathering your hands together you cup the spring water. It's cool, crisp and refreshing. Then you proceed to do the same to use the water to clean your face off. You take a moment to take a look at your reflection on your appearance in the water and the minor scratches on your face have almost disappeared.

Your stomach grows hungrily and you have one onigiri left over. It had salmon inside the onigiri with a hint of soy sauce and salt "suppose I better eat this. I will get something back at the butterfly mansion. Aoi makes great food".

You open your mouth and take a bite, sharing it with your kasugai crow. He picks up the rice off your hands and says "caw caw thankyou y/n" you smile sweetly and pet your kasugai crow on the head gently. your kasugai crow screeches "caw caw we should get moving". You stand up from the large rock you were perched on "yeah I hear you let's get back" you proceed to walk towards demon slayer HQ "I should get there in the middle of the afternoon". You see your kasugai crow soaring through the clear blue skies and carry on walking ahead through a path through the rice fields.

An old lady stops to pass as you walk by and she speaks up "my dear are you ok that looks like a nasty wound on your thigh".

You answer back "oh yeah I am ok it's been treated I am on my way back home that's all"

She has a warm smile "well I do wish you well".

You nod and smile kindly "take care of yourself" you bow politely and walk on ahead. Every step you take your leg burns with pain "Aoi isn't going to be happy with me"! You scrunch your face thinking about how you will get scolded by Aoi! "oh well never mind it's too late for that I have to go forward".

The kasugai crow screeches "caw caw I can see the demon slayer HQ you will be there in an hour". You look at the ground and then to the sky it looks like it's late in the afternoon. You walk towards your goal getting back to demon slayer HQ. A chill in the wind blows your hair and your pleated skirt and you look down at your uniform you only just noticed it has a large rip at the side of your injured thigh and you shrug your shoulders trying to cover it with your haroi ."I need a new uniform. Hopefully I get trousers this time. This skirt isn't what I wanted to wear, it shows off a little too much legs!"

You can see the HQ, your kasugai crow swoops down and perches on your shoulders. You sigh in relief. You grab the handle on the gate it creeks! You close the gate and walk gingerly in the gardens. You see nine of the hashria outside of the gardens and your face is shocked to see them all in one place. You ponder to yourself "there must be an important meeting for all nine of the hashria to be at HQ all at once".

Since Uzui Tengan is the sound pillar his hearing is sensitive to the slightest bit of noise he hears coming through the gate. He turns around walk's fast towards you and grins with his hand under his chin, he bends down towards your face "oh what do we have here it's a pretty little demon slayer". You look up at him nervously "leave her be Tengan" a water pillar with black hair and a stoic facial expression his name was Giyu Tomioka. Uzui Tengan backs off a little bit. You look around the gardens and you see a woman with pink and green hair styled in three plaits "she's adorable". The love pillar Mitsuri Kanroji smiles blissfully, blushing so lightly.

The flame pillar Kyojuro Rengoku with golden flame like eyes and blonde hair and red tips in the end of his hair he turns around to see what the fuss was about and he sees you his eyes are wide and he's shocked "y/n is it really you it's been so very long".

You look at him shocked you recognize his fiery hair from a mile away "Kyojuro it's you I can hardly believe my eyes I haven't seen you since you left for final selection" He comes running towards you smiling. All the other Hashira stand around looking confused.

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