chapter sixteen

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 Chapter 16  you are my sunshine

Both of you are walking down the hall to Kyojuro's sleeping quarters, you cover your mouth as you yawn. That futon was calling you with your eyes half open struggling to keep awake any longer. Yet Kyojuro realises he's tired himself yawns, and you giggle tiredly "seems I am not the only one that is sleepy". He nods "indeed it seems so, I am so very longing for sleep". Kyojuro opens the door and gestures for you to go in first. You nod "why thank you, kind sir". He immediately chuckles and closes the door "any time my sunshine". He closes the door to his dimly lit quarters and you stand in the middle of the room, feeling content and protected. You lift your arms and stretch also feeling fatigued, 

he glances at you and appoints to take an opening to wrap his strong arms around you flushed against your back on his toned abdomen. You let out a small squeak you weren't predicting for him to make that move a little bit sneaky of him to do so! He nestles his head in the crook of your neck and lets out a low hum that vibrates his chest. "My apologies sunflower, I didn't want to make you flinch, that wasn't my intention I wanted to share a little moment with you". You relax "no it's ok but it was clever of you, I didn't feel you my senses were let down! I am just very content!" 

He kisses the side of your neck and hums "let's go to sleep". You nod, he lets go embracing you then he clasps your hand in his calloused hand leading you towards his futon. Feeling shy you follow kyojuro's lead he gently smiles stroking his thumb over your knuckles to reassure you that he isn't going to do anything sinister. You know that's not his intention, it's just it's your first time sleeping together as an official couple, not some slumber party with a close friend. He most certainly wouldn't push you into anything that you're not comfortable doing or without your consent. Even if it was your first experience together, in the sheets taking that huge milestone to make love with one another and he still wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable or go forward with such things without your permission! 

He sits down on his futon and you follow and sit next to him feeling more comfortable. He gazes at you sweetly, and he roams his fingers in your hair in an instant you feel relaxed laying your head on his shoulder. You begin to feel more drowsy and succumb to slumber. He begins to lay down ready for nightfall. You lift your head, staring at Kyojuro drowsy. He finds it adorable and pats the side of the futon and whispers with golden and crimson eyes gazing sultry "lay with me my darling flame". You mumble slightly blushing "ok kyo". You lay down next to him ready to sleep, he shifts closer towards you. "you're ok with being close together?"

You glance at him tiredly "of course kyo it's just cuddling in bed, no harm in doing so". He grins "that's good because I don't want to feel uncomfortable or umm do anything without your permission, for other things like umm, you understand what I am trying to explain right sunflower?" He ponders off analysing how you would look naked laying and exposed on his futon! His mind wanders deeper only, to see how you would react to him naked he wonders how it would feel for you and if he was deeply penetrated inside you! He gets himself in a flustered predicament!

You try to put his mind at ease. "Kyo my darling I understand". His mind snaps out of a trance, you get flustered at the thought of you both getting heated and sexually aroused. Furthermore thinking about Kyojuro getting sexually excited, upon thinking you've never seen that side of him but it does make you wonder what he is like, to see him fully exposed you've only seen the bare minimum of his chest loosely in his yukata and the sight makes you feverish.

 Your cheeks burn swallowing hard "I- umm well" He listens intently still feeling flustered, you try to explain stumbling over your words, "when we you know I-umm.. glad you said you won't without permission". Kyojuro grabs your hands, you snap out of thought and he plants a delicate kiss on your forehead. He draws you closer to him "come now my little flame let's put these thoughts to rest and let's get some sleep". You nod sleepily, shifting closer towards him, you kiss his cheek and he returns the kiss on your lips softly. You rest your head on the pillow drifting off to sleep curling up next to Kyojuro, he puts his arm around your waist pulling you closer to him, and he gently drifts off to sleep.

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