chapter fourteen

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Chapter 14 you are my sunshine

Slightly smutty themes

Raising your arm to examine your fingertips they are wrinkled from being in the water for some time. The water is turning cold yet your fatigue replenishes. Feeling chilly you stand up and hop out of the bath, you walk as quickly as possible because you're cold and desperately eager to get yourself warm and dry. You grab your towel rubbing yourself dry, your skin feeling smooth from the salts and minerals that were mixed in the bath, your hair feeling soft and clean. You feel very cleansed, you grab your yukata and put it back on walking towards your sleeping quarters. 

When you reach your goal you open the door and brush the knots out of your dry hair tenderly, humming along to a song in your head you take a gander to your draws to find something clean to wear other than your uniform, having a ponder you pick out a plain kimono and pull the sleeves through your arms, you pick up a pair of red hakama trousers wear them over your chosen kimono. You proceed to put on some tabi socks and take a quick peek at the mirror, feeling better in yourself as you walk out of your room.

Aoi walks by and you speak up "Thank You for drawing up the bath. It was perfect and I feel much better." 

She nods quickly "just doing my duties, is there anything I can assist you with y/n, have you eaten lunch yet?" You shake your head "not yet I spent quite some time bathing." Aoi answers "well it's nice to see you're resting it makes a change, Rengoku and Kanroji are eating lunch on the engawa if you want you can join them. I just made this lunch not too long, I will bring it out to you". You respond "Thank you I will do so now". You walk towards the engawa spotting Mitsuri and Kyojuro eating lunch and chatting. Mitsuri is the first to spot you. She stands up and hugs you tight "y/n ohh I am so pleased about you and Kyojuro, you're so good for him he's love struck". You blush lightly "thankyou Kanroji you're so sweet". 

She loosened her grip and requested that you sit in the middle of her and Kyojuro. You comply and Kyojuro takes a good look at your features with his jaw dropped slightly, he scans over your body slowly. He's never seen you for a while since you were growing up together. Neither seen you in other clothing except for your formal attire or a yukata that you wear for bed. You wave a hand In front of him "kyo, hello are you ok?" He  snaps out of thought and swallows hard enough for his oesophagus bobs up and down, "yeah I am great, how was your bath?" You catch a glimpse of his neck and you blink rapidly "y-eah I spent ages in there until my fingers and toes turned wrinkly, although the water went cold and had to come out! But it was relaxing and rejuvenating". 

He picks up your wrist and feels your skin, "that's great I am pleased and your skin is so soft and supple". He winks at you again, catching your flushed face. Mitsuri looks like she's watching a romantic film! Yet Kyojuro seems to enjoy teasing you. Aoi walks towards you, oh the engawa spotting Kyojuro holding your wrist she doesn't question him about it but gives you your food that's freshly cooked "y/n your lunch". You look at the Bento box food laid out neatly, containing golden crispy shrimp tempura, seasoned soft rice, pickled vegetables with a slight tang, fluffy rolled egg and crisp fresh edamame. "Thank you, Aoi". She gives you a cup of green matcha tea. She then makes her way back where she's from and you turn to look at your Bento and pick up the food with your chopsticks humming, while Kyojuro says "tasty" after each bite.

Mitsui asks for seconds and then thirds alongside with Kyojuro you look stunned at both of their healthy appetites while eating your Bento box and drinking your matcha tea. 

Kyojuro and Mitsuri finally have full bellies; they take a rest before they both start training again. You look at them both quizzing them "Kanroji you have a healthy appetite you must have a high metabolism!" She nods enthusiastically "yep I burn it off". You turn to look at Kyojuro thinking you can get your own back from the cheeky wink he gave you. "And you Mr!" You point to his toned stomach, "you're a bottomless pit!" It backfires on you! Kyojuro gives you a certain look, he wasn't angry but you, oh no not in the slightest just in a playful mood! 

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