chapter eleven

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Chapter 11 you are my sunshine

You roll over in your sleep unconsciously and rest your head forward into Kyojuro's pectorals, having no idea what you're doing in your sleep. Kyojuro starts waking up slightly with his eyes half open. Being a Hashira he's always been a light sleeper, so any unusual activity he instinctively feels isn't right he will wake up immediately! Kyojuro looks slowly down at your sleeping form and instantly his face is blushing but with a soft smile.
He looks to see if you're still asleep without walking up. He sees your body rising and falling in a slow rhythm, which confirms that he knows you're asleep. He checks just in case you have rolled over on your injury on your thigh he lifts up the blanket slightly. He gingerly lifts your ukata up and sees the dressing on your thigh. Kyojuro smiles in relief that you're laying on the good side.

Kyojuro puts the blanket over both of you. He takes another glance and watches you sleep momentarily.
He strokes your hair tenderly and then he rests himself back down on the futon, laying on his side facing towards you. He was nervous but had the urge to wrap his arm around your waist, he wanted to pull you closer to him. He wanted to hold you though the rest of the night until morning came! However Kyojuro didn't want to frighten you away so he resisted the urge to do so. He drifted off to back to sleep facing you till the morning arrived.

You flutter your eyes open and you find out that you're not sleeping flat only to see Kyojuro's pectorals. You blink rapidly and a blush paints across your cheeks rapidly, you move your face away and slowly sit up. A short few minutes after Kyojuro wakes up, rubs the sleep out of his eye and it causes you to giggle slightly, "good morning y/n did you sleep well?" He notices your giggling "what's so funny eh?" You are still blushing slightly, unable to make any eye contact towards him and falter "well..I..umm yes I slept well and you look.? when you wake up half asleep".
Kyojuro grins mischievously "hmm I do? Well I am glad you slept well. You look adorable with that look on your face! There's no need to be nervous around me, you know me well enough y/n!"

You nod fiddling with the sleeves on your ukata, a habit that you tend to do when you are nervous. Kyojuro knows that all too well. "Is there something you want to say y/n? You're nervous, you take a deep breath. "I ended up waking up with my face in your chest! Did something happen last night?" He answers "yes you just rolled over in your sleep that's all, I woke up but I didn't want to wake you to move you back, you looked content and adorable so I checked your thigh and fell back to sleep".
Your blush deepens a reaction Kyojuro wanted to see, your stomach flutters with butterflies as you make eye contact in his crimson and golden eye orbs! You bite your bottom lip when he is about to say something, Shinobu knocks on Kyojuro's door. "Hello there, can I come in?" Kyojuro shouts "ah Kocho please come on in."

Shinobu walks in and sees you blushing "my my y/n your cheeks seem to have a lovely shade of colour on your cheeks! How are you feeling today? let's check you over".
You nervously swallow "I am well rested, I am feeling better!" Shinobu requests that you lay down on the futon and she lifts up your ukata, Kyojuro instantly looks down at his feet and Shinobu takes a look at your wound. She cleans up your thigh and dresses with a thinner dressing. It's almost closed up. "It seems you should be able to walk without any aid from today and tomorrow we will start your rehabilitation training." You grin "that's great news, thank you very much Kocho." She smiles and nods "you're very welcome".
Kyojuro lifts his head up "Kocho do you think it would be appropriate for me to do her rehabilitation training?" Shinobu smiles "I don't see it being a problem". Kyojuro grins from ear to ear "I am very grateful Kocho." Shinobu Kocho smiles calmly and walks out of his sleeping quarters. "I will see you at breakfast you two".

Kyojuro stretches "well that's settled then let's go get some breakfast and then I need to do my own training in the dojo". You stand up straight "yeah I am hungry no doubt you are starving too Kyo!" He chuckles as she shortens his name, longing for her to keep saying it more often. You both walk down the hall and Tengan spots the both of you. "Hey Rengoku, did you have a nice sleep over together?" You bite your tongue then Tengan looks at you "so y/n how are you feeling any better today? Did my best friend look after you well?"
You're surprised about Tengen's concern towards you. "Thank you for asking. I'm doing much better so I should be able to start rehabilitation training tomorrow." Tengan grins "that's great y/n good to hear".
Kyojuro asks if Tengan is going to have breakfast, he nods and then makes their way to go get breakfast. You walk behind Kyojuro as Tengan and Kyojuro talk amongst themselves, Mitsuri Kanroji opens her door to her sleeping quarters and she yawns, spots and approaches you.

"Morning y/n you're wearing a cute ukata". You smile sweetly and hug "Thank You Kanroji morning it's good to see you!" She hugs you tighter it seems you both have bonded quickly as best friends. Kyojuro turns around to the both of you grinning! "Morning Kanroji" Mitsuri smiles tiredly at Kyojuro "Morning Rengoku ready for breakfast and training?" Kyojuro nods, feeling his usual cheerful self. "Indeed I am" you yawn tiredly, Tengan smirks mischievously and nudges Kyojuro. "Rengoku, did you keep her up all night long?" Kyojuro frowns slightly "of course not Tengan because she's always sleepy in the morning, she will wake up in a few moments". Tengan just smiles. "If you say so Rengoku".

You sit in-between Kyojuro and Mitsuri. Some of the hashria's are sitting down on the tatami mats eating breakfast. Gyomei Himejima looks towards you "oh y/n I am blessed to see you looking much better."
You bow politely "I appreciate your concern Himejima, it's most kind of you to have me in your prayers". Gyomei answers "oh bless your soul".
You look at your food in front of you, there is steamed rice, miso soup, natto, pickled vegetables and grilled mackerel. You pick up your chopsticks and begin to eat but not wanting to eat the natto it's never been your favourite. The slimy texture and then smell always puts you off.
You managed most of your breakfast, Kyojuro happily finished the rest off for you including the natto. You scrunch your eyes "I don't know how you managed to eat that smelly slimy stuff". Kyojuro looks at you "it's not too bad and bedsides it's good for you got lots of health benefits". He tries to tempt you with natto on his chopsticks, but you shake your head. "You're not going to make me eat that stuff!"
Kyojuro grins mischievously, "is that a challenge?" Tengan and Mitsuri look at you and Kyojuro in the corner of their eye's!

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