chapter fifteen

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Chapter 15 you are my sunshine

Kyojuro scoops you up off the engawa carefully so he doesn't wake you up. You're still sleeping peacefully now in his strong arms resting your head on his pectoral. Uzui whispers "awww look at sleeping beauty in your arms, you know she would have made an excellent wife Rengoku, I mean she's beautiful, kind and strong!" Kyojuro's cheeks are set aflame to the top of his ears! "She's a great cook. My mother taught her everything she knew and she's also been taught to sew! She's got a few hobbies. She's quite the talented lady".

 Tengan answers "So then, Rengoku, when you propose to her I want to be the best man. I make this wedding flashy. After all, I am the god of festivals!" Kyojuro clears his throat yet still blushes "slow down their friend one step at a time, she's precious to me I want to take it steady not rush into marriage! I don't want to frighten my sunflower off!" 

Uzui nods "well my buddy I will always be there if you need me with anything that goes for your lady too!" Kyojuro grins "you too my friend". They both go their separate ways, Uzui has gone back to his three wives, and Kyojuro is carrying your sleeping form to his sleeping quarters. Shinobu walks around the halls looking for you to check how you are recovering, she spots you both "ah I see she's asleep that's good, it means she's resting as she should be if you don't mind Rengoku just place her down on your bed for the meantime while I give her a check-up!" He asked if she could open his door and she grinned "no worries Rengoku I can open my door please as you can see you have your hands occupied".  

He walks in and gently places you down softly on the bed. Shinobu pulls up the leg of your hakama trousers to get access to your thigh, she checks you over. Kyojuro didn't look away like last time but he was hoping that your wound had healed up. Shinobi calmly smiles "she's able to attend rehabilitation training now, she's healed up nicely it won't leave much of a scar it won't be noticeable! Now Rengoku, it's not like your regular intense training! Just she needs to get her legs working again. How about just swinging the training sword in the morning and how about you running and she catches you in the afternoon then the opposite way you catch her!" 

He put his hand under his chin and hummed "all right Kocho if they are the conditions then I will abide by them". She pulls the leg of your hakama down and grins "enjoy your night Rengoku and take care of her". He turns around "wait how did you know we are?" She responded, "you don't need to be the love pillar to know! It's written all over your face!" He beams "I see, it's that obvious, well I yes it's all true we are in love with another, she sets my heart ablaze". She stands towards the door "well then Rengoku, and good evening." He nods "good evening kocho". She walks down the hall towards her office.

 Kyojuro shuts the door to his quarters and takes off his haroi and covers you just so you feel cold while you sleep a little while longer. He glanced at you lovingly and he decided to take a bath himself. He picked clean yukata and clean fundoshi soaps that smell masculine, which he wanted to use for the bath. He took his hinoki bucket and made his way down to the bath house in the HQ. Aoi already has been in to run the bath for the next person.

 He added some more heat to the bath! Kyojuro likes the water to be scolding only hot enough for himself to handle. He got undressed out of his uniform and tossed it aside in a pile, he will pick his dirty washing up later to be washed. He's fully exposed head to toe and squatted on a wooden stool to scrub himself clean with the soap that smells like bergamot and spices before he gets into the bath. He Crouched down to drop a bucket of hot water over the top of his head to wash the suds off his toned physique. He steps into the bathtub, the water still scalding hot, unleashing a sigh of comfort, as he leans back his shoulders in the water. Kyojuro isn't the one to spend so long in a bath long enough for his fingers and toes to not get wrinkly like you but he does spend a little while longer knowing you're ok in his bed dozing peacefully. 

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