chapter four

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Chapter four- you are my sunshine

Aoi and Shinobu Kocho have managed to stabilise y/n and the colour in her face comes back, it makes Kyojuro Rengoku feel more at ease. He sighs in relief "Aoi, Shinobu I thank you for all you have done to help y/n it's good to know she's got colour in her face now!" Shinobu Kocho smiles calmly "I told she is going to be ok Rengoku no need to worry". Uzui Tengan grins "yeah Rengoku it's not like you to fret like that that's not like you at all!" Kyojuro Rengoku nods and smiles "I know y/n she's special to me".

He still has his hand in hers rubbing his thumb across her knuckles. Uzui Tengan smirks and notices what Kyojuro Rengoku was doing. "So what's the connection between you two? Come on, you said you will tell me!"

Kyojuro is his usual loud self "Ah yes of course" Shinobu Kocho puts a finger to his mouth. "Shhh Rengoku she needs her rest to keep it down or I will have to kick you out of the infirmary" Kyojuro Rengoku looks at Shinobu Kocho with an apologetic look "I beg your pardon forgive me Kocho?" She nods "All right then but anymore loud noises from the both of you are out!" Uzui Tengan looks surprised, "me what did I do?" Shinobu smiles sadistically, she has her hands on her hips, my infirmary, my rules!"

Mitsuri Kanroji walks in to see if y/n is recovering. She speaks quietly to Aoi "excuse me but how is she?" Aoi looks up at Mitsuri Kanroji "she is stable but keep it down or Shinobu will kick all of you out!" Mitsuri nods and turns to her attention to Kyojuro Rengoku and y/n she notices that Kyojuro Rengoku is holding her hand Mitsuri Kanroji is about to squeal at the sweet sight of Kyojuro grabbing her hand but she covers her mouth in time to stop herself and internally squeals instead. Tengan whispers "Kyojuro Rengoku here is gonna tell us the connection between y/n and himself" Uzui nudges Rengoku in the shoulder enough for the flame hashria to snap out of his daydreaming.

Kyojuro grins at Mitsuri "ah Kanroji my friend what brings you here, come to check on y/n?" Mitsui nods silently "how is she doing? I hope she makes a full recovery?" Rengoku smiles puts a hand on his old tusgoku and friend "she make a recovery with very little scarring". Mitsuri smiles sweetly holding her hands up to her cheeks "ohh that's amazing news she's so adorable I cannot wait till she wakes up". Rengoku smiles and a very light tint of pink spreads across his cheeks.

Tengan whispers "so are you gonna tell me about your connection or not Rengoku". Mitsuri looks at them both smiling like a child with sweetie's. "Ohhh yes please Rengoku we need to know!"

Kyojuro Rengoku closes his eyes and smiles. He opens his eyes and says "all right I am willing to tell you but keep it down Shinobu Kocho will kick us out and I want to be there when she wakes up".

Kyojuro Rengoku opens his mouth to tell them his connection between him and y/n " well you see she was a child that used to live in the mountains on the north she gone on a errand to collect some spring water for her parents she lived in a small house and my father Shinjrou was sent on a mission a lower moon was lurking in the mountains where her parents resided in that area." They both listen to her backstory while Shinobu was In the infirmary hearing Kyojuro Rengoku talks he continues.

"Well the demon devoured her parents and all of her siblings and the demon was coming for her next but my father was one step ahead. He got there in time and slayed that demon with no effort! She became an orphan and lost her family in one day. From then my mother Ruka and my father Shinjrou took her in. I don't see her as a sister I just see her as a dear friend, we both trained under my fathers teaching to use the flame breathing techniques and then I left for final selection I haven't seen her since up until now"

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