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A/N: hey guys. tis is my first story so I hope its okay! there is a lot of smut and trigger warnings in tis book so ill try to put warnings before each one. enjoy! :)


Hawks stared at the pale brown folder in his hand. Who knew such a folder would make him feel so many things as once. Scared, overwhelmed, excited, anxious... it was a wave of emotions that drowned him a few times over. Finally coming to terms with what he was holding he brought a tanned hand up and pulled back the cover. And there is was. Is bold letters

MISSION 162: infiltrate the League of Villians.

A loud breathe escaped his slightly parted lips and he slammed the folder closed, throwing it into the space in front of him. He looked up from the rooftop he was sat crossed legged on and quickly noticed the dark clouds that were starting to form.

"Shit.." he muttered as he dragged his heavy body off the floor, violently grabbing the file as his did so.

Sliding the file into the Inner pocket of his beige jacket he cracked his neck and took a deep breathe prepping for his flight. It was a lot harder to fly in the rain so he knew he had to get home soon. There was no feeling like the wind in his air and slipping through each feather and the world seeming so small and so easily shrinking all of his problems, but not this time.

The folder in his jacket was definitely not budging from the birds mind. It wasnt long before the huge metal doors to the large penthouse were sliding open in front of him. Stepping in, he walked over to the kitchen island taking his black combats off as he threw the folder onto the counter. Stripping his jacket off and hanging it over the back of one of the bar stools he wondered off into the bedroom. It was plain... white walls, huge windows covering one side. Not much furniture, and a large bed with dark red sheets. it didn't need to be 'homey' since he barely spent any time there. His clothes dropped to the floor and he went over to the clothes cabinet taking out some grey sweatpants and a white tank top slipping them both on. Heroism wasnt an easy job it was tiring especially when its not your only job. Secretly working for the commission on top of saving lives is even harder.

Rubbing his temples hawks slowly makes his way back to the kitchen and sat on the bar stool staring at the damn brown folder he hasn't been able to stop thinking about since the commission placed it in his hands. Hawks pulled the pen and highlighter that was on the island towards him as he started to go through each paper held in the file. In great depth it spoke about the aim of the mission, his objectives, the details of the contract such as not being to let the heros or villians know what he was up to, and every detail they had gathered about each of the villians in the league. Hawks had been away abroad for another mission so he hadn't a clue about most of the villains that accompanied the league yet. Highlighting each important detail and jotting down notes he continued through each page until one caught his eye.


it read in large letters.

Quirk: Cremation- extremely hot blue flames easy to engulf anything in his way with a heat so high anything that be completely cremated within minutes...

It trailed on, but it wasn't his quirk that caught the birds attention.. it was his eyes. Hawks found himself lost in them despite it being an awful photo. It was blurry and dark since the villian was clearly walking through an ally way with a hood up. But something felt... familiar.

"Probably on the news" he muttered before resting his head on the counter.

This was gonna be one hell of a mission. He sat there and questioned how he even ended up in this position... he had always wanted to be a hero to prevent people suffering like he did... but after meeting his best friend he was ready to give it all up.

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now