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A/N: this is going to be a really short chapter as I suddenly realised I hadn't written what had happened in the hospital and that I needed to add it and it didnt really fit any of the other chapters so im sorry but its important information to make the next bit make sense. 

the war had been going for what felt like years and almost everyone was dead. Shigaraki wasnt holding back. 

Shoto had managed to get to safety to dabis relief. but he was still assisting Shigaraki and toga with killings. god knows how many heros he had killed now. Shigaraki came up behind dabi and placed four fingers on his shoulder. 

"you've been so loyal to me dabi... and your such a pretty face" he said smugly. 

dabi was well aware of the amount of fingers on his shoulder right now. he tensed up just staring straight ahead at the chaos erupting. 

"of course.." he said simply. 

"but you took full responsibility of that little boyfriend of yours"  shiggy chuckled lowly "we made a deal... and he betrayed us" 

before shiggy could place his fifth finger dabi shot a few fames at him before running. he had no intention of hurting his boss he just needed to run to survive. he knew shiggy wouldn't follow him.. not in the the middle of a war. but he had to get away before the war would be won and Shigarki would hunt him down. he kept running until his legs felt like they were going to give up on him when he looked up and noticed a familiar building nearby. slowly climbing through the debris he wondered towards it and looked around. it had been abandoned for years but it still felt the same as it did when he was a kid... 

hawks woke up to a bright light. he slowly let his eyes adjust as he scanned the room. he was in a plain white hospital room and could only see through his right eye. everything from the war had come flashing back into his memory as his hear shattered. twice... poor dear twice... his once best friend... the one who helped him through all his trouble with dabi... and dabi. was he even alive? he could feel tears forming when he suddenly felt a small hand on his own.

"hawks.. you're awake..." tokoyami said softly as he looked up at his bandaged teacher. 

hawks gave him a weak smile "hey kiddo" he noticed fuyumi was stood beside him as well with shoto sat in the corner. shoto seemed to have a few scratches but nothing bad. 

"w-what happened.. how long have I been out? where's touya? is he alive?" hawks panicd as his heart rate increased. 

"hawks please calm down" fuyumi said trying to hush him. 

the door opened and a nurse pushed a wheelchair into the room. as hawks slowly sat up he saw a rather beaten up mirko sat in it who gave him a weak smile. 

"hey nugget.." she coughed out. 

"carrots... damn I look fine in comparison to you" hawks said instantly regretting it as she shot him a death glare. 

she then giggled slightly and nodded "yeah at least you have your limbs....theyre just...overcooked..." 

"overcooked!?" hawks said taken back. 

"your a chicken right?" she teased. 

everyone let the room to let the best friends catch up. 

"im glad your alive hawks..." she sighed "you've been out for two weeks.." 

"two weeks!?" hawks gasped and sighed " did we at least win?' 

she nodded "of course we did...we're heros" she reassured him "but we lost a lot on the way to victory" 

"is touy-... dabi alive?" he asked scared to know the answer. 

she just shrugged "no one knows... he wasnt arrested... but no ones seen him since he killed endevour..." 

"endevours..dead.." his childhood hero.. it was bitter sweet.. he was also his rapist.. but no one dissevered death... so why did twice? god he hated himself so much. 

"what about toga... is she okay?.." hawks looked at her with hopeful eyes. 

"she was arrested.. she's got some nasty scars but she's okay..." Mirko said. "now you should stop asking so much and rest up... you look like a rosisarie chicken that was left cooking for too long" 

"fuck you" hawk laughed. 

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now