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Hawks listened intensely, ear pushed up against the large cold wooden door, taking mental note of whatever parts of the conversation he could hear ready to pass on the information to the commission. 

"So everyone clear on what they have to do?" Shigarki asked staring down at the villains sat in front of him.

 "yes sir" Toga giggled as everyone else nodded.

After hearing that, Hawks quickly stood up running to a different room so they didn't know that he was snooping.

"Good, now go" shigaraki slammed his hand on the desk and everyone got up scurrying out the room. "Dabi. Stay back." 

Dabi sighed and stopped by the door waiting for everyone else to leave. 

"What do you want?" He asked as his eyes met the red ones across him. 

"Its been a few months... wanna come to my room tonight?" the supposedly scary villain leader asked. 

The black haired shook his head "no thanks, is that all?" 

Shigaraki frowned not used to being rejected by Dabi. they had been casual friends for seven months and Dabi never passed up that chance.  He gently nodded as dabi opened the door to walk out. The blue haired villain racked his brain for any reason that Dabi would shoot him down like that.. then it hit him.. the bird. 



 "Careful..." Dabi looked over his shoulder making eye contact. shaggy continued "feelings will get you hurt" he has a sick smile on his face. 

"Its not like that." He walked out slamming the door shut behind him. 


Hawks was sat in the main room watching everyone enter. Toga instantly smiled at him and ran to sit in the bean bag opposite him. 

"hey how was the meeting?" the hero asked the young girl 

"boring as always" she pouted "wanna play a game with me!? spinner and compress never want to" she pouted cutely.

he was about to say yes until he noticed the flame villain. 

He smiled and got up going to him "hey". 

Dabi ignored him and grabbed his long leather jacket throwing it over his shoulders. Twice putting on his mask and followed Dabi to the door as they left. hawks just stood there confused but slowly made his way to Toga again.


It had been two days since dabi and twice left and hawks had no clue where they had gone or what they were even doing. Everytime he brought it up to the others no one told him anything, most likely orders from shiggy. He was never allowed to know anything and he knew Shigaraki did not trust him one bit. But He couldnt help but feel a longing for the tall villain. Maybe he was just sexually frustrated. 

Meanwhile twice was sat rambling on to dabi about toga and what amazing thing she did this time. he would often swoon about her and tell everyone every detail. They were sat on the balcony of an abandoned building waiting for the victims to arrive. it was late afternoon so the sun was beginning to set making the sky a beautiful pale blue and orange and gave the villains a sun kissed looked. 

  "Twice!... please can we just talk about something else" dabi growled. 

he had been staring over the edge not listening to the other just hearing him talk was like background noise. Dabi mind had been stuck on a certain blonde and how much he missed him. a part of him wanted to tell the bird about his true identity but Touya was dead... thats not who he was anymore.. he was Dabi. 

Burn In Hell - DabiXHawksWhere stories live. Discover now